A big Thanks to Shanna K. for your donation to the site today. I really do appreciate it and I will be getting back to you shortly to help you out with what you are looking for. Thank You Shanna 
Updated Thurs 6:00 PM - The overnight and the stats from earlier today have just been posted. The National snow contest just got even closer BUT Erie is still the king of the snow mountain. It was a fun storm in my opinion as far as the snow race goes but this one is long gone now and we will have to wait until the next one comes strolling by. Oh, there will be a next one… Have a Great Night All 
OK, it’s still Erie in the top spot on the Snow Mountain but the lead is melting away. Paraphrasing the wise words of Sean Kirst from the Syracuse Post Standard newspaper “I think Erie might be hearing footsteps on that mountain now”.
Will this be a repeat of last season where Syracuse trailed both Worcester, MA and Erie, PA for awhile but was able to pull it off in the end with some Freak snow in April? A better question might be will there be a new leader come the end of the day?
The current snow stats for the top 25 snowiest cities don’t include what fell overnight, they are for yesterdays totals. The next update from the National Weather Service comes out later this afternoon or early evening and I’ll definitely be peaking at the new snow stats but for now Erie is still the King
According to Gary who posted a comment this is Erie Pennsylvania’s 6th snowiest season on record now and they are only an inch away from hitting their 5th snowiest season ever. WTG Erie
Buffalo has moved past Grand Rapids with this snow storm and is now in 3rd place and Rochester, NY has managed to jump into the 5th spot rounding out the top 5 snowiest cities. Stay Tuned for another update later in the day and Good Luck Erie and Syracuse 
First off as always a BIG thanks to Thomas C. for your donations. Sorry if I keep repeating myself every time someone does make a donation but it’s because they do matter and are appreciated. The donations we have received this month alone I think are more than since the site has been around so thanks everyone
. I really do appreciate each and everyone and Thanks again Thomas, Patrick
Updated Noon Wednesday 3/12 - It’s snowing pretty good in my neck of the woods, a few miles from the city. Bursts of what looks like light snow because of the small flakes but I’m guessing over an inch an hour right now. How is it in your neck of the woods? Here is what was put out for Rochester, NY earlier and don’t forget to keep checking the NOAA links below for the latest updates.
Here is the latest snow totals map that covers most of the top cities in the snow race, stay tuned 

Updated Tuesday 4:30 PM – It looks like they are zeroing in more on the storm and some of the warning times have changed along with snow totals so be sure to check the links below for the current updates and warnings.
Second, PLEASE POST THE STORM COMMENTS IN THIS POST – that way it is easier for all of us to keep track on what’s going on in your neck of the woods/city
Third, Always check with the pros like the National Weather Service or your local Meteorologists in your area for the latest updates on your weather. You know we are clueless here and don’t try to pretend we can predict the weather. OK, maybe just one in awhile
I’ve been reading around and trying to get a grip on the storm that is about to hit some of the Golden Snow Globe cities and is probably hitting some of them already. There are already a few Winter Storm Warnings out right now which means that the confidence is pretty high that those cities will be getting hit with some decent snow totals. I think it’s something like 7 inches or more are expected. There are also several advisories out for some of the snowiest cities and chances are some of those will be switching over to warnings some time soon. Erie, PA, Ann Arbor and Syracuse, NY at last check were under winter storm watches while Buffalo and Rochester, New York are under winter storm warnings. Billings is under and advisory for the time being. Below is what I read at last check along with some good links that get updated as the storm gets closer and changes are made according to changes in the direction of the snow storm that will be hitting most between Tuesday and Thursday. KEEP IN MIND that these will be changing constantly as the storm gets closer and may have even changed by the time I typed this. Use the links below to stay updated.
Erie, PA – Winter Storm Watch from Wed, 2 AM – Thurs. 2 AM – 6-8 inches as of now.
Click Here for Most Recent Storm Updates for Erie
Syracuse, NY – Watch from Wed, 5 AM – Thurs. 10 AM 8 – 10 inches as of now.
Click Here for Current Storm Updates for Syracuse
Buffalo, NY – Winter Storm Warning from Wed, 2 AM – Thurs. 2 AM 8 – 12 inches expected.
Click Here for Current Storm Updates for Buffalo, NY
Ann Arbor, MI – Storm Watch from Noon Wed. – Wed. 4 PM 6+ inches possible.
Click Here for Updates for Ann Arbor and Detroit
Billings, MY – Winter Storm Advisory until Noon Tues.
Billings Updates are Here.
Rochester, NY – Winter Storm Warning from Wed. 5 AM – Thurs. 5 AM 10 – 14 inches expected.
Click Here for Storm Updates for Rochester
If you have some time please feel free to share what’s going on where you are at as the storm approaches and is going on. It’s cool to get some real time updates from everybody in the different cities.
Most important though is as much fun we have with the snow contest these storms can/are always dangerous when it comes to the roads so take it slow and stay safe all. Have an awesome night