Here is a COOL Graphic chart that was tweeted to me by a guy from Billings, Montana, twitter handle @bigjshow Thanks for sharing and a shout out to The Big J Show

Cool Picture From @bigjshow on twitter
I think that those of us on top really better start paying attention to Billings, Montana. They added another 7.3 inches of new snowfall yesterday setting a date record that was 3.3 inches going back to 1979. I was also reading an article at the Billings Gazette website about how this is their 3rd snowiest season ever and they just blew away their snowiest February on record I believe. Why we need to worry is that the upcoming storm looks like it is going to miss most of the cities on top now staying more to the South. According to the article Billings will be grabbing some snow from the storm. This guy isn’t taking any chances and YES I did just do the last Snow Dance of the season so keep an eye on Syracuse, NY too
Secondly, HAPPY MARCH everyone
For some reason after keeping snow stats for something like 12 years now on the New York snow site, the Golden Snowball March doesn’t excite me as much as it use too. April is a totally different story though. March is that month where you know Spring is just around the corner but it seems to never get here. April, other than last year where Syracuse picked up something like 11 inches of snow we can pretty much figure the snow season is over. Not too many cities get more than a couple of inches of snow in April where as March has been known to produce some pretty big snow storms including the blizzard of 1993. OK, OK, I know, enough already of me depressing you on the first day of March
I just went down the list of snowiest big cities in the United States and even though I knew it’s been a snowy season I was surprised that almost every city is over their average snow totals for this time in the season. The thing is most of the cities aren’t just over their average snowfall but they are blowing the averages away. I think Philadelphia, PA really stands out. Philly has over 3 times the normal snowfall for this time in the season.
Billings, Montana it seems has had snow just about every time I do an update lately it seems. Billings just set a date record for snowfall yesterday picking up a fresh new 7.3 inches of the white fluffy stuff breaking the old record of 3.3 inches set in 1979. Billings is also a city that those on top may want to keep an eye on now. They just went over the 90 inch mark and are currently in 5th place. Billings normal average to date should be 34.5 inches, just one of many blowing away their average snow totals this season.
Our current King of the snow mountain Erie, Pennsylvania is almost 40 inches over their average snowfall right now. A ton of the cities in the contest have more than doubled the average snowfall they would normally have this time in the snow season. Syracuse, NY, Rochester, NY and Sioux Falls, SD are all right around where they should be right now but still a little over.
There are only a handful of cities that are below the amount of snow that they should have at this time. Salt Lake City, Utah, Spokane, Washington, Anchorage, Alaska and I’m guessing maybe Denver and a couple other cities from Colorado that don’t report what the average should be for this time in the snow season. Just think of all of the other cities that we don’t have listed. My guess is there has to be well over one hundred if not more that are way over their snow totals.
I’ve been trying to keep an eye on all of the cities that are having one of their top 10 snowiest season on record but I think there are too many probably to keep track of. I’ll try and get some info on that hopefully next week but if you read the comments section several people are posting where their city is at right now. To those of you in Erie, PA I have 4 words for you. GO FOR THE RECORD
Less than 30 inches away, why not have a historic snow season to brag about to the Grand Kids years from now…
Ok, I know my teacher pals that visit here are going to hit me with a ruler for personalizing the cities so many times in this post
Have an Awesome Weekend Everyone