I just wanted to give a big Thanks to Sandy R. for your donation to the snow site. It helps out a lot and I really appreciate. Thanks Sandy 
Updated 2/9 5:30 PM – The breaking news that I think some of were expecting did play out and as of the last update Worcester, Ma has taken the lead away from our good friends in Erie, Pa. The new Top 10 snowiest Big cities are posted but I’m still finishing updating the rest top 25 snowiest cities. WTG Worcester and more to come in a bit.
Worcester, Ma is also the 1st city to hit the 90 inch mark and they are in the 90 inch club but it has to be a boring club because they are alone right now 
Updated 9 am 2/9/15 – Worcester continues to storm their way up the snow mountain and they seem to set set in a pattern right now and it’s a good one if you like snow. Worcester barely slipped past Buffalo, NY on the Golden Snow Globe snow mountain and are now back in the number 2 slot. Erie, Pa who has been camped out at the peak of the snow mountain may want to start taking down the tents and Please don’t forget this is a carry out mountain
Erie, Pennsylvania, defending snow champs from last season are still the king of the mountain but their lead has been melted away to just 1.4 inches of snow. Looking at the Radar I think it’s looking pretty good right now that some time today we will have a new leader and my hunch is that it is going to be Worcester, Massachusetts
The top 3 cities in the National snow contest are really close right now and I think this is going to be a battle right til the end of the season. Worcester has been a worthy competitor for several seasons but it will be tough holding onto the top spot if and more like when they take the 1st place slot. Even with Lake Erie pretty much frozen over (I’ll have to check on that) Erie, Pa and Buffalo, NY will still be piling up some more snow to add to their snowfall totals.
Don’t count out some of the other cities like Syracuse which moved into 4th place yesterday. They are know for their late season comebacks and I think this storm was the jump start they needed this season. Lake effect has been minimum for Syracuse and Rochester too this season. Grand Rapids isn’t through getting in the snowball fights and I’m sure it’s the same with South Bend too.
Not much being said about Boston, Mass but I think we have to include them in when talking about the snowiest city in the US this season with a population of 100,000 or more. These 3 storms in a row that I think hit in a matter of just two weeks have sledded Boston all the way up to the number 6 spot on the snow mountain. WTG Boston with 62.5 inches of snow so far and counting. OK, enough for now but STAY TUNED for the late date update. It should be really interesting to see if we have a new leader 
Updated 2/9 130 AM -Worcester, Mass just updated their snow stats a little while ago and they are now also in the 80 inches of snow club along with Erie, Pa and Buffalo, NY. Buffalo normally doesn’t report until around 5am and when they do it will probably be a super close snow race. I think the question right now is which city will be in 2nd place in the morning? Stay tuned and Good Night 
Updated 8 PM 2/8 – Buffalo, New York hit 80 inches of snow the last update. Only 2 cities are in the 80 inch club right now which are Erie, PA and Buffalo 
This could be one of the biggest comebacks that I can remember since starting the National Snow Contest with Worcester, MA having a real shot at moving into the top spot on the snow mountain. I’m sure it’s probably getting old for the folks in some of the cities that seem to be in the snow pattern we are in and just keep getting pounded. BTW, no public school for you kids and teachers in Boston tomorrow and Tuesday, Whooo Hooo
Most likely Worcester and other parts of Mass but check with your local sites on that..
I just got an update in and Worcester isn’t reporting this time round. Boston did have new snow stats and managed to jump up another spot already. Boston, MA just passed Rochester, NY to move into 7th place in the national snow contest. I have a feeling they will be climbing up some more when all is said and done. WTG Boston
Syracuse, NY, yes I can finally talk a little about my hometown also jumped up a spot sliding past Grand Rapids, Michigan to move into the 4th place spot. Syracuse really needs to cut into some of the lead from this snow storm or else they could be in trouble. Just remember that Syracuse’s nickname is the comeback city
I am going to be posting a lot more right here in this post as the snow stats come in. WHAT IS IT DOING IN YOUR NECK OF THE WOODS. Feel free to post a comment right here and keep us all updated… Stay Tuned, this is going to be fun watching to see how all of the cities do.
Please drive safe and stay safe everyone and have an Awesome Night