Updated 2/14 7:00 PM - Wow, this is turning into a Full time job this season A little bit of breaking news. Syracuse pulled in enough snow from the storm to move them into 2nd place on the Snow Mountain in the National Snow Contest. Should Erie be worried about a repeat from last season? Nah, not just yet but they may want to think about doing a snow dance or something to play it safe
In the last week give or take Erie, PA has watched their lead over Syracuse melt away from an over 26 inch lead to the lead they hold right now which is 14.6 inches. On the bright side for Erie, they are still adding snow to their totals and I just added another 1.3 inches to their totals. Syracuse picked up a little less than I was expecting adding 9.5 inches of new snow from the 2 day storm. Stay Tuned
First off Happy Valentines Day Everyone and I Hope it’s a Great One For those of you single like myself, the parties at my house! No, scratch that, I’m joking, kind of
The latest snow storm Pax turned out to be a decent snow maker for a lot of cities and states. We have one new city in the top 10 which is no stranger to being there and several jumped into the top 20 snowiest cities. I know with these last couple of storms that there are quite a few cities that aren’t listed here that probably should be now. If any of you have any suggestions feel free to post the city but please make sure the population is over 100,000. I have no problem taking a few out and replacing them with a snowier city. You know, like Erie PA… Oh stop, that would never happen, I love having Erie in the contest along with Grand Rapids and most of the others.
Welcome back to the top 10 snowiest cities to our friends in Worcester, Mass. It took awhile this season but with your 10.5 inches that has been reported so far you jumped from #14 to #9 on the snow mountain knocking out Flint, Michigan. Can you climb to the top 3 like you did last season?
New in the top 20 and IMO it’s pretty cool seeing some of them there is Allentown and Philadelphia, PA. Allentown went from number 25 to 13 picking up 17.8 inches of snow from storm PAX. Philly picked up 10.4 inches so far and jumped from 26 to 16 on the snow mountain.
Also new in the top 20 snowiest cities are New York City and Newark, NJ. Newark, New Jersey went from #24 to #17 picking up 9.4 inches of new snow so far and NYC moved from number 29 to number 20 on the snow mountain picking up 9.5 inches of new snow. Hard to believe that it wasn’t a date record for NYC though. There was quite a bit of shuffling done with this last storm but Erie still remains safe at the top of the mountain.
Here in the Syracuse area we picked up more than I thought we were going to or should I say here at my house. I measured 12.5 inches of new snow but I am not sure what the airport will have to report. So far they are only reporting 4.1 inches of new snow for yesterday and it will be interesting what they show for the overnight and today when the new snow stats come out a little later. If they are close to what I measured plus it is still snowing then Syracuse should move past Grand Rapids currently in 3rd and perhaps even Buffalo, NY who holds the 2nd place spot on the snow mountain.
STAY TUNED ALL and as always, See Snow – Drive Slow!
Greetings from the West. Well actually just a little bit west: I am in Rochester. Thanks for these lists. It would be interesting to track “percentage against average to date “to get a sense how unusual this year’s snow is to some areas. For example, Eire is at 145%, Syracuse is at 101%, we are at 111%…meanwhile Worcester is 157% but Toledo stands at 261% and NYC checks in with an impressive 310% of normal snowfall to date which Philadelphia tops at 368%. An aside, here is a report from one of my sites that references your data – from last February. http://ellwangerbarry.org/2013/03/01/a-visual-report-on-a-february-snow/
Michael, I love the idea but unfortunately this season I have pretty much let all of my other sites go due to putting a lot of time into this site. Don’t get me wrong either, I love doing it but the other sites are where I make or should I say where I am suppose to be making a living from
If I were to guess I think this season I’m probably putting around 30 – 40 hours into the contest even though it may not seem like it.
That said I would be more than willing to blog about the percentages and post them in a blog if you ever felt like doing it. I think just what you posted was pretty cool to see. Of course I would give you the credit
Thanks for the feedback Michael.