With Pat’s decision to unofficially officially call the contest over and Syracuse the inaugural champion, I thought it might be fun to post some of my pictures from the season.
If you recall, the early part of the season, Syracuse was lagging behind in the standings. The picture below, taken on New Year’s Eve, tells that story quite well.

Indeed, there is some snow, but not as much as we’re used to for that time of year.
Let’s fast forward the look back to February. For those of you who don’t know, I work part time on late nights, often getting home well after 3 AM. For the most part, it’s not too bad traveling. The worst part in the winter is typically getting home as more often than not, the roads (including the highways) are not in the best shape in the very early morning hours. In late February, Syracuse was stuck with a record breaking snowfall, and I could not get to work. I tried to, but after about 3 miles, the snow proved to be too much, and I conceded defeat and retreated home. The next few photos show the conditions at about the time I would have gotten home, had I somehow managed to arrive at work.

Yeah, that would not have been fun to experience.
That day, and the day after, most (if not all) the area schools were closed. I don’t remember a time in the past decade when the schools were shut down for 2 straight days. The only other event that I can recall is the Blizzard of ’93, and that is going back a ways. A couple of pictures show the morning scene (when the busses would have likely arrived).

I wouldn’t want the busses out in that either, so let the kids (and adults) enjoy the snow for the day.
From one extreme to the other, April started out with record breaking heat. This led to another occurrence I don’t remember too often in the Syraucse area…cherry blossoms in mid-April.

The end of Winter? Hardly.
As it turned out, Syracuse Winter had one last gasp on Mother’s Day weekend. It wasn’t much, but the early morning hours featured some snow flakes. Unfortunately, I was unable to get pictures of the event.
Have a great week everyone! By the way, if you have some snow pictures, feel free to send us some. Uh…the pictures, not the snow.
Details are available here.