First off a big Thanks to Rhonda for your donation to the site. I know I’ve said it many times but your donations are appreciated and do help out big time. Thank You Rhonda
Thanks to Andy also for taking the time to send me some info I was looking for about the lakes freezing over. I’ll post about that in a day or two.
OK!!! Buffalo, NY continues to slowly gain ground on the snow lead that Erie, PA has in the Golden Snow Globe contest. Buffalo is now just a snow storm away or 15.1 inches away to be exact.
I checked back a little over a week ago and on the January 4th update Buffalo was in 4th place and 30.1 inches behind Erie, Pa. Buffalo has made up about 15 inches in the last week or so. Go Buffalo!
Right now everything seems to be pretty quiet across the US as far as snowfall goes. A lot of rain here in the Syracuse area but at least it warmed up for a few days hitting 50+ degrees which seemed like a heat wave after that -25 – -35 below wind chill factor that came around for a couple of days.
Let’s talk College Hoops. We all know that Syracuse is Americas favorite team but other than the SU Orange, who is your next favorite college basketball team? Be careful in answering this though because any replies with the Duke Blue Devils may get banned. The same goes for Arizona who is ranked number 1 in the country in the polls ahead of Syracuse. I’M JOKING OF COURSE
I’m curious for the fact that some of the states have several cities in the snow contest and also have several college basketball teams in their state.
PA is a good example. I know some people including my brother who lives in Philly and most of them root for Villanova. I’m guessing you folks in Pittsburgh root for The Pitt Panthers first. Erie, Pa I don’t have a clue about but would guess maybe Pitt? Anyways, leave a comment in this post to let me know who your favorite college basketball team is in the country.
Have an Awesome Weekend All
people in erie root for pitt basketball even though they are penn state’s little brother
Hi Toni and Thanks for the feedback. I’ve been studying the basketball schedules and I have to admit that a couple of the teams we, Syracuse have played so far have made me a little nervous. having to Play Pitt twice without a doubt has me nervous. I was surprised at how long it took for them to get added to the top 25 polls but of course we all know how political that can be. Pitt may have not played te best teams around yet but blowing out all of the teams they have played so far should count for something not to mention their 1 loss which was only by one point. I’ll be rooting for Pitt this season except for when they play us of course
GO SU!!!
Buffalo was the lucky recipient of the heavy snow we were supposed to receive here in Erie during the Arctic outbreak last week. Thanks to a well aligned southwesterly flow, Buffalo was able to score about 17″ over the event. I was worried they would receive more, but I think the cold air and the rapid freezing over of the lake during the deep freeze cut down on accumulations in Buffalo. With so much of the lake frozen, I think it will be hard for Buffalo to catch up to Erie at this point. Syracuse and Rochester…that’s another story. Lake Ontario doesn’t freeze and you guys have plenty of time to catch up.
Here’s the ice cover on the lakes as of today (1-12-14):
Thanks for the link Dave. Now for those of us not on Lake Erie we have to hope that we don’t get too many Nor’easters for the rest of the season and hope they don’t come inland too far if we do get them