There are two things that have scared me since day one of starting up the National snow contest. One, am I missing a big city that gets a ton of snow and two, am I calling the contest too soon?
The reason I worry about the second, when to wrap up the snow contest is because with my luck one of the cities will get some fluke snow storm in May or June. If the snow contest isn’t close I don’t worry so much but when it is close I tend to stress a little over it. The main reason is because the chances are good that some of the news media will be reporting it and I can see me calling the winner, the news reporting it and then another city goes ahead a week later:(
OK, so when does the contest get called? I’m hoping sometime at the beginning of May depending on what the long term forecast looks like. I think the longest we have gone is May 15th and the reason was because the Colorado cities were making a last minute charge up the snow mountain. This season they are way toward the bottom of the mountain so I don’t see that happening this season. Right now for this time in the season Erie, PA is looking pretty good with their lead of 5.5 inches over the next best and last seasons snow champion Syracuse. I don’t believe any of the cities on top of the snow mountain average that much snow for May so the beginning of May is looking good right now.
Those of you that follow the snow contest on Twitter will be one of the first to know when I call it so if you don’t follow you may want to. Our local paper in Syracuse and Erie, PA Life on Facebook will also be the first to know. Both have been awesome to the snow contest and it’s appreciated. Let’s just hope I don’t blow it Erie has held the lead most of the season and I will feel bad if Syracuse goes ahead at the last minute. I’ll fell bad but I’ll get over it. Hey, I’m from Syracuse
Good Luck to Both and let’s not forget Buffalo, NY!
The reason I worry about the first is because I don’t list all of the big cities that get snow for the fact that it would take too long to get updates in. I know there are some cities in probably in the Carolina’s that have gotten snow and others around the country but during a normal season it will never be enough to compete with the big snow makers. This season was anything but a normal snow season with many cities breaking all time records. Cities like Billings, Montana who had the most snow ever since records have been kept and there are several others that have had the same kind of season. Seasons like this get me a little nervous
Important – I have been spending hours upon hours dealing with spam comments to the website. This is something I deal with every day of the year including all through summer. I just added a plugin that should hopefully help but I am a little worried that some legitimate comments from those of you that post may be blocked also. If that happens please let me know by contacting me through the contact page so I can make some adjustments. Hopefully you won’t have any problems and that this saves me hours of browsing through all of the spam that I get here.
A BIG Thanks to Carol G. for her donation that we received. Last month I was overwhelmed by the support the site received from a lot of you. Last month alone was more than the site has received in total since we started it a few years back. It’s nice to see the appreciation carrying over into this month and Thank You again to all of you and Thanks again Carol, I truly appreciate it
Have a Great Day Everyone
We’ve discussed here how South Bend, IN doesn’t have a reporting station, and it’s unfortunate, because they’re definitely top ten material. I offer these qualifying cities that I believe aren’t listed here:
Top 25 Candidates:
South Bend, IN
Boulder, CO
Manchester, NH
Aurora, IL
Lowell, MA
Naperville, IL
Elgin, IL
Between 2 and 4.5 feet (est.):
Arvada, CO
Kenosa, WI
Davenport, IA
Cedar Rapids, IA
Aurora, CO
Colorado Springs, CO
Fargo, ND
Pueblo, CO
St. Louis, MO
Topeka, KS
Lexington, KY
Louisville, KY
Kansas City, KS
Thanks for the feedback Rob and I’ll check out some of them tomorrow. Some of them were on the list this season but I removed them because they weren’t doing much as far as snow goes and to save me some time so I could get more updates in. I’m not sure but there may be a few that NOAA doesn’t have stations for but I’ll check if you haven’t already? Last check of Boulder, CO they were just under 100,000 as of the last census but I’ll check them out. I’m wish South Bend didn’t have the problem that’s going on right now because they do deserve to be on the list
Thanks again for taking the time Rob!