Snowiest Top 5 Cities in the United States 2015 – 2016
Here it November 6th and we finally have a Top 5 list for the snowiest Big cities in the nation. The current list would have been from the end of the day on the 5th for most of the cities in the Golden Snow Globe contest.
Anchorage, Alaska continues to add to their lead and added another inch of snow since the last update. It seems like Anchorage either gets quite a bit of snow or next to nothing each season. Anchorage did win the snow contest back in the 2011 – 2012 snow season with 134.5 inches of snow.

Denver, Colorado slipped past Syracuse, New York picking up an inch of snow since the last update. That was the measurable snow for Denver this season. Syracuse is stuck at 0.4 inches right now and I’m sure that the temperatures being in the 70′s in the northeast has something to do with that. Record temps have been set the last few days for several cities in the northeast and I’m guessing they are in no hurry to stop breaking them.
Rochester, Minnesota remains in 4th place at 0.2 inches and the other newcomer to receive snow this season besides Denver is Cleveland, Ohio which is showing 0.1 inches so far for the 2015 – 2016 snow season. Welcome to the new snow season Denver and Cleveland. Cleveland’s snow may be an adjustment or an error because they weren’t showing snow as of the last update so that may change.
Golden Snow Globe Cities Below Average Snow
Almost all of the cities in the National Golden Snow Globe contest are below their average snowfall for this date, but I don’t expect that to last much longer. Remember, the National snow contest is for cities with a population of 100,000 or more as of the 2010 census. If you know of a Big city that we may be missing that has snow already this season then feel free to add a comment to this post and let me know
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Stay Tuned and have an Awesome day everyone!