First Off Thank You Philip G. for your donation. All of the donations really do help out a lot so don’t be afraid to click on that donate button .
Just did a Full Update – and Sorry about the lack of updates but my grandson who is 4 1/2 months old was in town for a week and well my buddy trumps snow Born in South Carolina but no doubt he will bleed Orange, Syracuse Orange that is
Worcester, MA continues to rule the top of the snow mountain with a pretty good lead but don’t count Erie or Syracuse out of this seasons snow contest yet. Both cities are slowly inching their way closer to Worcester’s snow totals and there is still enough cold air around for one of the cities to make a charge.
Even though it didn’t show in the stats there was a quick flip flop for second place. Yesterday Erie, PA slipped past Syracuse, NY by a couple of tenths of an inch to take over the number two spot. Well for a little while anyways. With the last update from the National Weather Service Syracuse was able to take over 2nd place again by just 1 tenth of an inch over Erie. Right now there’s a pretty good snowball fight going on for second place between the two. Snow is in the forecast so the next couple of days will be interesting.
More to come but it’s almost time for the NCAA Brackets. Good Luck!
I can’t believe people LOVE this white stuff. Ugh, I HATE it. Can you imagine what Easter will be like? I’ll have to hide our 5 grandkids Easter eggs in a snowbank!!
Have a Happy and Blessed Easter
Hi Lin, from what I am reading and what the Farmers Almanac is calling for it could be an interesting Easter Egg hunt for the little ones
Are you from Erie or Syracuse? A Happy Blessed Easter to you and your family also
Everyone is complaining about the snow here in Erie, but I love i! I wanted that second place finish.
RJ, why settle for second? Erie still has a realistic chance at taking the top spot still IMO
I live in Erie and I’m thrilled to have found this site! Keep up the great work.
Thanks RJ, much appreciated and make the time put into the site worth it when a compliment is thrown out there every now and then