Updated 6/8 -I just want to give a Big Thanks to Michael Yates for your recent donation. Even though we are getting into the warm months, the donations still help out a lot in paying some of the bills Thanks Michael, I really appreciate you taking the time
Lakewood, Colorado Wins Golden Snow Globe Contest
Congratulations to Lakewood, Colorada for being the officially, unofficial snowiest big city in the United states for the 2015-2016 snow season. Believe it or not, any snow that falls up until June 30th still counts for the 2015-2016 snow season. I feel pretty confident calling the snow contest and the winner right now with Lakewood having over a foot of snow more than Syracuse, New York, and a 20+ inch lead over Fort Collins and Denver Colorado as of this posting. The only reason I waited this long to call it was because of the Colorado cities still having a chance for some snow. I will update the seasonal snow stats as/if needed.
Lakewood,Co received some decent late season snow that dropped more than enough snow to skate past the normal season favorite Syracuse, New York which held the lead a couple times this season. Lakewood also slipped past Erie, Pa, South Bend, Indiana, Flint, Michigan and Sioux Falls which were holding the top 5 spots on or around March 3rd. At that time, Lakewood was in 6th place, 20+ inches behind the leader then, Syracuse, New York.
Even though it was a mild winter for a lot of the cities this season the snow contest was pretty close and exciting once the snow finally did start falling. There were several lead changes throughout the 2015-2016 snow season and what made it fun was that it was a mix of cities on the top or near the top from all over the US. A couple that you wouldn’t expect including Lakewood, CO which as of right now has almost 40 inches of snow above their normal snowfall for the season compared to Syracuse, NY which has a snow deficit of over 40 inches this season. WTG Lakewood
How The 2015-2016 Snow Season Started
Anchorage, Alaska started off the 2015-2016 Golden Snow Globe contest when I did an update on September 30th. The National Weather Service was reporting 2.8 inches of snow and was the only city reporting measurable snowfall. A few others were showing just a trace of snow. Syracuse, NY was the next city to report some measurable snow on or around October 18th-19th, 2015.
Finally a Top 10 Snowiest City List
We finally had a Top 5 list for snowiest Big cities in the United States around November 6th and didn’t have a top 10 list until November 17th when there were 12 cities reporting measurable snowfall. Anchorage, Alaska was still in the lead with 9.6 inches of snow. Below is pretty much how this season played out as far as cities that led the snow contest at one time or another. Keep in mind that the National Weather Service updates the snow stats the next day for the previous day so the dates are give or take a day
Lead Changes in The 2015-2016 National Golden Snow Globe Contest
9/30 – Anchorage, Alaska started the 2015-2016 Golden Snow Globe contest on or around September 30th
12/15 – Lakewood, Colorado takes the lead with 24.0 inches of snow. Anchorage is in 2nd with 22.2 inches.
* NOTE – Come Christmas day, Reno, Nevada had 10.5 inches of snowfall. Reno is beating Erie, Pa which only has 4.8 inches. Rochester, NY has 1.2, Syracuse has 0.8 inches on Christmas day, Buffalo, NY is showing just a tenth of an inch and Worcester, MA is only reporting a trace of snow on the season. WOW! It gets better! Last season’s snow champs, Lowell, MA doesn’t even have a snowflake yet
12/29 – Sioux Falls, South Dakota takes the lead from Lakewood, CO with a snow total of 32.7 inches of snow on the season.
* NOTE – 1/15 – About Halfway through January the snow contest started getting more exciting with the Northeast cities finally starting to get into the snowball fight
1/20 – Erie, PA takes the lead from Sioux Falls, SD by two-tenths of an inch posting 42.3 inches. Sioux Falls has 42.1 inches of snow.
1/25 – Sioux Falls started packing the snowballs and took the lead back from Erie, Pa. Syracuse has been hanging in 3rd place just waiting to slide to the top on the snow mountain.
1/29 – Erie, PA takes slips back to the top with leading Sioux Falls by half an inch.
2/2 – While Erie and Sioux Falls were battling it out this season’s snow champs Lakewood, CO slipped past both of them by just over an inch of snow
2/10 – At this point in the snow season there was a lot of back and forth going on. Erie, PA slides to the top again!
2/14 – Yayyyy! Syracuse, NY finally climbed to the top of the snow mountain for the first time this season. Yeah, I’m from Syracuse so I can say Yayyyy
2/16 – OK, so much for my Yayyyy Erie, PA retakes the lead!
3/2 – Buh Bye Erie, Hello Syracuse
3/24 – Lakewood had more than enough time away from the top to make some snowballs and they put them to good use retaking the lead
4/3 – I was surprised that Syracuse got some decent snowfall in April to slip past Lakewood by almost 6 inches of snow come 4/4 and Syracuse was at 80.4 inches on the season. Well below their normal average but hey, seemed like enough. Us folks in Syracuse were pretty much ready to do a victory dance
4/17 – Lakewood gets pounded with snow on or around the 16th and 17 and picks up 16 inches of snow. No, really they did. Can you say snow season and contest over Lakewood sleds to the top of the Golden Snow Globe mountain and sets up camp. Ain’t no city gonna touch em after that. 16 inches of snow in April, you deserve to be crowned the snow champs for the snowiest big city in the United States. Way to go Lakewood, Colorado
Click here see all of the 2015-2016 snow updates throughout the season!
5/24 – The funny part is that Lakewood and all of the Colorado cities continued to pile up snow after they got hammered by that storm. That was why I was a little hesitant to call the contest. I was waiting to see if Denver or Fort Collins, CO could catch Lakewood. With a 20+ inch lead right now I feel pretty confident that Lakewood will be the snowiest big city in the United States with a population of 100.000 or more. If something changes then the snow contest will go on. That said, Congrats Lakewood and well deserved We had 14 lead changes this season give or take a couple which isn’t too bad considering the lack of snow for a lot of cities.
It Was a Fun National Snow Contest This Season
So, all in all, this season’s national Golden Snow Globe contest for snowiest Big cities in the United States turned out to be a fun snow race and exciting too. It’s obviously all of you that visit the snow site and our Facebook snow group page that made it so much fun. A Big Thanks to all of you for helping to make the 2015-2016 snow season a blast. That also includes all of you news folks out there that wrote about the snow contest and also the Meteorologists who helped out by keeping us informed.
A special Thanks to those of you that were able to donate to the snow site. The donations help out a lot not to mention always keep me motivated, lol

OK, really it helps me pay the bills through the Summer and just maybe a cocktail or two !
I’ll still be keeping an eye on the weather and if I hear of a city getting snow I’ll do an update. Keep in mind that as I mentioned above the snow season according to the National Weather Service runs from July 1st until June 30th. So in other words nothing is official until then
Have a Safe, Nice, Enjoyable Summer All!