I just wanted to give a Big Thanks to Jason M. and Jack Y. for your generous donations to the website. I know I keep saying this but they really do help and I really do appreciate all you taking the time. Thank You Jason and Jack..
For those of you in another city just replace Erie with your city I think right about now some of us are feeling a bit tired of the snow. Below is a Cute story that has been going around the internet for a couple of years now about the weather in Good Ole Erie, PA and is one of my favorites. It makes me wonder if someone from Erie or other another snowy city isn’t thinking this right now. Author unknown!
Dear Diary
August 12th – Moved to our new home in Erie, PA. It is so beautiful here. The mountains are so majestic, can hardly wait to see snow covering them.
October 14th – Erie, PA is the most beautiful place on earth. The leaves are all turned colors with shades of red and orange. Went for a ride through the beautiful mountains and saw some deer. They were so graceful. Certainly they are the most wonderful animal on earth. This must be paradise. I love it here.
November 11th – Deer season will start soon. I can’t imagine anyone wanting to kill such a gorgeous creature. Hope it will snow soon.
December 2nd – It snowed last night. Woke up to find everything blanketed with white snow. It looks like a postcard. We went outside and cleaned the snow off the steps and shoveled the driveway. We had a snowball fight (I won) and when the snowplow came by, we had to shovel the driveway again. What a beautiful place, I love Erie, PA.
December 12th – More snow last night. I love it. The snowplow did his trick again to the driveway. I love it here in Erie, PA.
December 19th – More snow last night. I couldn’t get out of the driveway to get to work. I am exhausted from shoveling. Dumb snowplow.
December 22nd – More STUPID snow last night. I’ve got blisters on my hands from shoveling and I think the snowplow hides around the curve and waits until I’m done shoveling the driveway. The JERK!
December 25th – Merry Christmas. More STUPID snow! If I ever get my hands on that STUPID JERK who drives the snowplow, I swear I’ll kill the driver. Don’t know why they don’t use more salt on the roads to melt the darn ice.
December 27th – More snow fell last night. I’ve been inside for three days except for shoveling out the driveway after that snowplow goes through. Can’t go anywhere; car’s stuck in a mountain of snow. The weatherman says to expect another 10″ of snow again tonight. Do you know how many shovels full of snow 10″ is?
December 28th – The darned weatherman was wrong again! We got 34″ of snow this time. At this rate it won’t melt before the summer. The snowplow got stuck in the road and that STUPID JERK had the nerve to come to the door and ask to borrow my shovel. After I told him I had broken six shovels already shoveling all the snow he pushed into the driveway, I broke my last one over his STUPID head!
January 4th – Finally got out of the house today. Went to the store to get some food and on the way back a darned deer ran in front of the car and I hit it. It did about $3000.00 dollars worth of damage to the car. Those beasts should be killed. Wish the hunters would have gotten them all last November.
May 3rd – Took the car to the garage in town. Would you believe the thing is rusting out from the STUPID salt they put all over the roads.
May 10th – Moved to Florida. I can’t imagine why anyone in their right mind would ever live in that god forsaken city of Erie, PA.
Gotta Love Erie, PA!!!
Born and raised in “Dreary Erie, the Mistake on the Lake.” Didn’t know any better growing up there, but now living in Denver, I see no reason for anyone to live in that god-forsaken place.
The true flaw in the charming story isn’t the inclusion of the mountains…it’s the fact that the first snow didn’t fall until December. Snow in Erie County starts in October. Growing up in Erie and Edinboro (which it’s worth noting, gets more snow than Erie thanks to the gradual rise to a ridge from the lake up through Summit Township, immediately behind which the snow falls like a brick after rising up over the ridge), my mother and I would always set a bet on whether we would have snow on the ground by my birthday at the end of October. I always picked snow…and I didn’t lose very often.
FigPox, When I found that story online it originally had New York in it
I changed it to Erie when Erie was winning last season. Lot’s of people from here have told me about the mountains or lack of other than the Dump or something, lol. I’m sure it is a good choice on picking snow
Look out though because Worcester is making a lot of snowballs right now and challenging Erie to a snowball fight. Could be close come the end of this current snow storm….
My fiancé and I are about to move to Erie from Philadelphia and people keep telling us how awful it will be. This made me laugh!! I foresee us starting a great future there, and I think it takes a special kind of person to appreciate Erie!
I use to live in Summit Twp. Up to 200 inches was typical for us. People South of I-90 made it to work while people in Erie couldn’t. I couldn’t under stand that. Summit Twp. is in the snowbelt . I now live in the Hill Country in Texas. I watch the Weather Channel every morning and enjoy seeing the snow and mess, which I don’t miss.
Erie’s record snowfall total for a season occurred during the 2000-2001 season when 149 inches of snow fell. I have lived in Erie my entire life.
We don’t let snow bother us in Erie- there are schools with no snow days so far this year. Shovel walks- no way- let it get packed down and walk on top. Don’t have to worry about the driveway being blocked if you live in Center City on a street that is not a main road- they don’t plow them that much. Oh- and our average commute is 10 minutes- there are trade offs.
As a kid growing up in Erie this would have also included sled riding at Frontier
The only thing off about this story is – no mountains in Erie, just an escarpment fondly known as “the hill.” And because they moved to FL on May 10th they missed the Memorial Day frost we get every other year. My best friend in winter is my heavy duty 1971 Craftsman Snow Blower. Thing’s a beast! I think the amazing smell of grapes in September makes up for a least a little bit of the crummy weather we have, that and both days of sunshine and summer are really fantastic here.
Chris, someone else pointed out the same thing about the mountains
I live in Erie now, and I laughed out loud while reading this. It’s right on ! Thanks for a good way to start the snowy morning.
Miriam, I laugh every time I read it year after year
Thanks Nikos
Unfortunately we are missing it here in Syracuse this season also. Been a quiet season so far for us but things may change this week. Most likely Erie will get in on the snow too so right now Erie is still looking OK. They do have 2 cities chasing you now though
When you grow up in Erie, by January you are sick of it, yes. I am in college now in Cleveland and came to finally appreciate the awful weather I grew up with. The snow keeps things interesting I miss having snow measured in feet lol!
Keep up the posts Pat, hopefully we can keep ahead of you for this one year