First off after the kind of winter a lot of us had let me say Happy Summer Everyone, you earned it Once again congrats to Erie for being the snow champs this/last season. Believe it or not the new season starts in about 10 days on July 1st. Ummmm, don’t even think of any updates though until probably sometime in October….
Yeah I know it’s the first day of summer, what am I thinking? Beats me! OK, really there was a reason why I did do a snow total update for all of the snowiest cities in the US. Big cities with a population of 100,000 or more.
Every year I say that I am going to do a late update for a couple of reasons but I never do it. Once the warm weather hits the lights are pretty much shut off and the doors locked up here at the Golden Snow Globe website. Anyways one of the reasons is just to get one last update in after May to see if any of the cities have had any snow. There were a few of the cities that I did have to add snow to their totals, mainly the Colorado cities. One of the cities in Utah also had some more snow since the last update.
The other reason for doing an update this late is that the normal snowfall to date in the second column on the snow chart should also be what all of the cities receive on average for the total season. I know that those stats are out there somewhere but now if you go to the snow stats the average to date should also be what your city receives on average for the entire season. Enough about snow Huh!
I also wanted to wish all of you a Happy 1st Day of Summer It’s a beautiful day here in the Syracuse area with the temps in 70′s and best of all it’s not too humid. Hopefully it will be one of them hang by the pool (not mine
) and drink a Margarita or two kind of days. Hopefully it’s the same where you are but if you are in Arizona where my son who works for the border patrol is then I sort of pity you. 100 + degrees is a little too hot for me and don’t even tell me “but it’s a dry heat”. 100 degrees is 100 degrees and that is about 25 degrees hotter than I prefer it to be. JMO of course
One last thing is that I’m curious if anyone has any ideas as to what to do with the website in the summer time? I was thinking of rain but I think it would be impossible to keep track and update all of the cities. There would be hundreds if not more plus it’s kind of depressing. Does anyone have any thoughts and if so please suggest them here in the comment section. Have a Safe, Awesome Summer Everyone