Warning, Online Begging Ahead – OK, I hate to do this butttt…. It’s time for our annual, errr bi-annual, ummm quarterly solicitations for donations to the website. It helps to pay for some of the out of pocket costs of hosting the site not to mention the time put into keeping it updated and so on like trying to come up with my clueless posts like this. I promise anything left over will go to food and drink for myself
Don’t ever get me wrong. I truly enjoy keeping this site going and have as much fun as I’m sure all of you do seeing the snow stats. OK, maybe not all of you but hopefully some of you
Anyways if you enjoy the site and have a couple of bucks and would like to pitch in all you have to do is hit the donate button up above which will take you to my Pay Pal account to donate securely. Thanks, it really does help and it definitely is appreciated no matter how big or small. Bill Gates if you happen to stop by here feel free to drop a million in the account
OK, on to the snow stuff and it’s been a busy, snowy weekend for some of us. 3 cities fell out of the top 10 on the snow mountain and of course 3 new cities filled their in their slot on the mountain. The 3 cities that dropped out are Salt Lake City, Utah, Denver, Colorado and Cleveland, Ohio. My guess is that a couple of those cities will be back in the top 10 before the season is over.
New into the top 10 are Erie, Pa, Rochester, NY and Syracuse, New York in which all 3 of the cities benefitted this weekend being able to tap into some decent lake effect snow. Syracuse actually tied a snow record for the date yesterday which went back to 1981 picking up 4.5 inches of new snow which is pretty good for this time in the season. I was watching the snow bands yesterday and last night and I thought maybe Erie and Rochester may have gotten a little more but either way the Golden Snow Globe contest is starting to shape up.
One of the fun things about this national snow contest is getting to meet and yes, puff smoke, poke fun and do some friendly trash talking about each others cities and their chance of winning. Yes, that is allowed here in the comment section as long as it’s all in fun. Some of our visitors from Erie seem to dish it out pretty good and the last couple of days it’s been fun going back and forth with a guy I’ll call the Dr. on twitter. All in fun and of course he suggests that we, me being from Syracuse are afraid of Erie, Pa I do admit that Erie’s snow stats are one of the first one I look at and keep an eye on during the winter but afraid? Ha! I told the Dr. though that you people from Erie better start making some babies because your population is getting pretty close to the cut off population of 100,000 according to the last census. Only around 1000 people are keeping you in and I would hate to have to drop Erie from the contest, one of our strongest competitors, NOT. Joking aside I think the census is every 10 years so you have plenty of time
Speaking of the census and the populations of the cities, good lead in huh I’ve been putting off updating the new populations since the 2010 census came out but I finally started to update the cities last night and I should have them all updated in a couple of days. OK, enough rambling. Some of us need to keep an eye on what could be a storm coming up the coast come mid week. As much as I like a good storm I’m kind of hoping this one turns out to be rain for most of us just because it’s Thanksgiving week and a lot of people will be travelling. OK, really enough rambling on now.
How it Looked with Snow at My House Last Night
You are all wrong denver is going to make a come back in late winter like they always do and beat all of these cities!!!!
A little snowball fight going on between Pittsburg and Erie Pa. Only a tenth of an inch separating them
I agree. I think you Syracuse folks are scared of us Erie folks.
We will be ahead of you this year…just you wait and see!!
Hey Dave, is Erie in the line of this new storm coming in late Tuesday – Wednesday? If so you may slide past us
You better get what you can now because like last year, you will need it
Bring it on Erie, Pa