A Big Thanks to those of you who took the time to send me some pictures to post on the site. If for any reason any of these are copyright protected please feel free to let me know and I will take them down. I still have to add a few more but here are several that have been sent so far from the snowvember snow storm and from the lake effect snow that also hit Erie, Pa. I think a lot of these pictures give us the true scope of how bad it was in the towns surrounding the Buffalo area. Thanks again for sharing them with us..
Here are some cool pictures that a friend Rich’s son Justin snapped. Him and his wife lives in Cheektowaga (south Buffalo), and had to deal with the Buffalo “Snowvember” storm with about 74 inches…
This is a picture sent in by Bryan of The Erie City Proper when they received about 12 inches of snowfall.
From Metin with his description – First is a pic of my driveway on the border of Lancaster/Depew, NY about 3 miles from the airport…over 50+” of snow has fallen here but the airport has about 4 or 5″…craziness.
The second pic is the dreaded “White Wall” that anyone in this area knows about…God help you if you are driving into that from the outside.
Another pic from Metin from earlier this morning when there was “only” about 35 or 36″ on the ground.
A fun picture sent in By Mike from the Buffalo area. No doubt this is right up my alley
Thanks for sending and sharing the snow storm pictures everyone Sooner or later I will figure the picture gallery out and make it look a little better. Have a Great Weekend and to those of our friends in the Buffalo area, wishing you all nothing but the best possible outcome. Stay safe and watch the flooding and roofs..
Cheektowaga is not South Buffalo.
South Buffalo is the part of the city of Buffalo that lies south of the downtown area. It is not a separate town or suburb or even another city.
Cheektowaga is a suburb located east of Buffalo, NY. It is not part of the city of Buffalo.
South Buffalo is not really an address in terms of the USPS. It is a designation (much like east side or west side), though those that live there might argue otherwise