weather groups

All posts tagged weather groups

A Big Thank You to Jim J. and Cathy C. for your donations to the snow site and for taking the time. Also Thank You Both for the kind words and Cathy I am visiting my daughter where unfortunately there is now snow so that won’t be a problem getting to the kind of store you suggest ;) Thanks Jim and Cathy :)

I just wanted to let everyone know that we have a Group page on Facebook and we have a good group of people that have joined so far. Some fun pictures and articles get posted pretty much everyday including people sharing photos from the snow they have received in several different cities this season. No cover charge either ;)

Click Here to Join Our Snowiest City Facebook Page

Right now we have people from several different areas including Boston, Worcester, Buffalo, Syracuse, Erie and too many to mention. The group keeps growing by the hour and Thankfully for technology it’s not standing room only and you can sit while talking about the snow you love/hate…

The group is also open to the Weather Pros both local and national forecasters and meteorologists. Also open to any of my good friends in the media and I have noticed a couple of both have joined so far. Most of us are just regular folk talking about how much fun the snow is especially wondering where to put it in some Cities :)

A good place to start your morning with a warm cup of coffee but you most likely won’t see me there. I’ll probably be just going to bed when you wake up. A good place to check out after work to see what’s going on in the snow world and what the current forecasts, predictions and so on are. Did I say it’s a fun group of people who have joined so far ;)

Click Here to Join Our Snowiest City Facebook Page.