Pritchett live eagle cam

All posts tagged Pritchett live eagle cam

Live Eagle Cam, Harriett & M15 Baby Eagles

Are any of you following the eagles Harriett, M15, and their eaglet on the live eagle cam out of Florida? I’m sure I’m not the only one who has been watching the live Eagle cam the last few days. I love this kind of stuff and it’s so amazing to watch it all live. A glimpse into nature that most of us don’t get to see enough of.

I have been seeing a lot of supposedly live cams on Facebook of the eagles in Florida but several of them end up just being recordings and aren’t live cams. So I found the link from the sponsors of the live cameras which is Pritchett Real Estate out of Florida and decided to add the live Eagle Cam to the site so that we know it’s live.

A big Thank You to Pritchett Real Estate for doing and sharing the live eagle cam with all of us. Enjoy and Warning, it’s addictive. Has the second eagle egg hatched yet ;)

Watching the Live Eagle Camera in Florida

You should have two choices of views on the live Eagle cams in Florida. If you scroll over the video once you start the live camera you will see an arrow pointing in both directions. If you click on that it will give you the option of watching the Eagles with the Eaglet and the egg close up or a choice of a wide view of what is going on around the Eagles nest.

Sometimes the wide view during the daytime will show the eagle that isn’t in the nest just hanging around and keeping an eye on the nest. I prefer the close up of the baby eagle (Eaglet) and the egg but that’s up to you. All in all, it’s as cool as it can get watching our nations birds in their natural habitat :)

A Screenshot Picture of an Eagle and Baby

Fun Fact: The Bald Eagle. The American bald eagle was adopted as the national bird symbol of the United States of America in 1782. The bald eagle (Haliaeetus Leucocephalus) was chosen for its majestic beauty, great strength, long life, and because it’s native to North America.

Dick Pritchett Real Estate, Inc