First as always I want to give a Big Thanks to John A. for your recent donation to the snow site and to all of you that have donated throughout the season. I really appreciate you taking the time and it helps out a lot
Congrats to Lowell, Massachusetts on taking the lead in the National snow contest. Yup, you read it right and Lowell is the new leader right now in the 2014-2015 Golden Snow Globe snowiest Big city in the US contest.
Contrary to what you may have read in a few articles, the snow contest goes on like it or not until the last snow flake falls . Yes, the National snow contest is still going on and while you all have been enjoying the warm weather I am still sitting at the computer crunching numbers. OK, not really and I am enjoying the nice weather but I do check the snow stats every now and then.
I’ve have been checking the snow stats every now and then and for whatever reason had a feeling that Lowell was going to have some kind of adjustment to their snow totals. This happens with a lot of the cities throughout the snow season and adjustments were made a few times this season with Lowell, Ma.. I’m pretty sure it hasn’t been snowing there so no doubt adjustments were made.
I took a look back to see if I could tell when the adjustments were made. The best I could come up with is that perhaps snow was added for the dates of March 22nd and March 29th. On March 22nd Lowell shows 1.5 inches of snow and on March 29th there is 0.5 inches being reported. Tha would add up to the 2.0 inches of new snow that must have been added to Lowell’s snow totals.
Syracuse, NY and Worcester, Ma were in a tie for the top spot in the snow contest up until this last update. I don’t think Syracuse and Worcester natives are going to be happy campers getting bumped down a spot after camping out on top of the snow mountain together since around April 24th.
Frost is on the forecast for tonight in parts of the North East and it will be interesting to see if any of the cities can throw in some snow while it’s that cold. Hard to believe that some of the cities are going from 80+-degree weather to maybe below freezing in a matter of a day or two.
Will there be anymore adjustment or snow falling? Stay Tuned, The Snow Contest Lives and Congrats to Lowell on Taking the Lead