meteorology intern

All posts tagged meteorology intern

Happy St Patrick’s Day to All of US Irish Folks Out There ;)

Our local National Weather Service in Binghamton, NY is looking for volunteers for this summer. You must be majoring in Meteorology to apply and it is non-paid. Oh come on, it’s a government service ;) Anyways if you know of someone who may be interested please pass this information along to them. I have talked to a few of the meteorologists who work online, on the phone and have met a few of them in person and they have a great group of people that work at the Binghamton National Weather Service station. Below should be all of the info you need.  The deadline is March 24th so don’t wait and please direct all questions to them…
Do you know of a college student who is majoring in meteorology? If so, please SHARE this with them. The deadline is approaching!

We are seeking applicants for our summer volunteer program. You must be a college student majoring in meteorology to apply. The deadline is March 24th. For complete information go here:

***Note those who are not yet in college but are interested in a career in meteorology, we do offer office tours and/or job shadows. Here is more information on that: