Updated 2/13/15 - First as always I want to say Thank You to Jeff K. and Jessica M. for your donations to the snow site yesterday and for the kind words too. Not only do they help but they are truly appreciated. Thanks Jeff and Jessica A mug of hot chocolate w/peppermint schnapps sounds good BTW Jeff!
I want to give a Big Thanks to Uschi K. for your donation to the website. I loved the way you calculated obviously and Thanks for the kind words Uschi, I appreciate both very much
OK, Will Shawn be the most disliked person in Erie, PA today? More on that as you read below BTW, Shawn is a nice guy so don’t hate on the messenger. Then again he is a little more than that.
Lowell, MA is at 87.9 as of the last update so they will be moving just past Erie, PA which is at 86.9 right now into the, WOW, number 3 spot on the snow mountain…
With the way the weather pattern has been the last few weeks with no end in sight to storms hitting I have been asking for suggestions and input of cities that may need to be added to the snow contest. Cities with a population of 100,000 or more (2010 Census) and with at least 30+ inches of snow to make it into the Top 25. The way that Massachusetts and the cities in the state have been getting pounded I was thinking that there are probably some missing and indeed there was/is/are. KEEP SENDING THEM IF YOU SEE THEM.
Thanks to Shawn who brought up Lowell in our Facebook Group so I could research the city and who is probably going to be the least liked person in Erie, PA today I made a few calls and they do belong in the National snow contest. I actually called 3 different National Weather Service Stations to confirm including the Boston Weather Forecast Office in Taunton, MA in which I forgot to get his name.
OK, Shawn is the CO-OP, COOP that goes out in the cold and keeps all of the snow stats and other weather related stats for Lowell, MA around the clock. Thanks Shawn, for what you do and NO padding those numbers, joking of course. Feel free to join our Facebook Group where all of the breaking news come out not o mention it’s a good group and a lot of FUN.
Click Here to Join Our Snowiest City Facebook Page
I also had to call a couple of other NWS stations for some other information and not that I didn’t trust Taunton I figured I would get another confirmation. All nice people BTW and more than willing to help me out. A Big Thanks to Dan from my NWS in Binghamton, NY and to Tom Hawley from the National Weather Forecast Office in Grey, Maine who helped me out with another city.
I had to call the Grey, Maine NWS office to see what was going on with Manchester, New Hampshire’s snow stats because they is a lot of missing data not to mention to conflicting snow totals for Manchester, NH. Tom told me that they just took over Manchester not too long ago and that it should be a lot better come next season. Anyways I had a nice talk with Tom who was an awesome guy and took the time to look up some stuff for me. I appreciate the help from all of you. For now I am going to hold off on adding Manchester because we don’t know what’s going on with the two different totals and how accurate they are. Feel free to convince me to change my mind. I always listen and I’m always open to suggestions.
I do promise that if Manchester continues to climb the snow mountain I will definitely revisit the thought of adding them and make a lot more calls. I’m pretty sure that I have checked in previous season and back then there was absolutely nothing to go on. At least this could be a start
Have an Awesome Day Everyone and Please Drive Safe. See Now – Drive Slow unless on a sled of course
By the way Manchester has a population of 110,000!
Concord isn’t half of that with a mere 50,000! So I think Manchester is our only hope to enter your contest at all!
You SHOULD add Manchester N.H.
I live in Derry, nearly dead halfway between Lowell and Manchester and I have a cousin in Lowell. We have been consistently getting an inch or two more than Lowell this season during every storm because I’ve been in touch with my cousin. Manchester N.H. really could be the overall winner. At the very least we all deserve to be mentioned because we are buried! I’m sure we’d be in the top ten easily!
I would suggest contacting WMUR’s meteorology staff in Manchester (get contact info at WMUR.com) They ARE IN Manchester and I’m sure they have an accurate handle on what has come down in Manchester! They also have been right on the money with the predictions right down to the hour that the white stuff begins to fall! Please contact them. I’m certain they’ll be delighted to help you with this fun contest to break up the snowy boredom of winter!!!
Not because I am an Erieite saying this, but Lowell is essentially a suburb of Boston so it is annoying seeing them added in. On the other hand Manchester, NH and South Bend have been welcome additions in my eyes due to them being distinctly different cities. Imagine if “South Syracuse” existed and had 100k people and was added to the list, and especially if you were not from South Syracuse specifically, you could see why Lowell is bothersome.
Lowell is not a suburb of Boston.
I can tell you’ve never been to Lowell.
Nearly a 50 minute drive from Boston (without snow on the ground!) and a completely different feel. Lowell is full of old mills from the American Industrial Revolution. It isn’t a suburb at all, let alone one of Boston.
Trying to survive this winter from Worcester, Mass. and enjoying your website. Made a donation so you can keep up the good work. I grew up in Rochester, NY but have made my home in Worcester for the past almost 30 years so no stranger to snowy winters but this one is definitely one for the record books!!
My mémé & grandfather have lived in Worcester, MA for over 80 years. They both believe this to be the strongest winter they’ve experienced.
There are five cities in MA with at least 100k people. With the addition of Lowell, I see on the list:
There are two more MA cities larger than 100k that you might want to have on your radar screen:
I am certain that Cambridge, adjacent to Boston, has had enough snow to make the list. The problem is documenting it, as they don’t seem to report with other cities and towns in the Public Information Statements. Springfield is less clear, as it is in the Western part of the state, and they didn’t get hit as hard by some of the storms, especially the one that hit Boston and Worcester with 24″+.
Noel, I think I answered in the Facebook group. If not please let me know