First things first, a Big Thanks to Tina R. for your donation. We really appreciate you taking the time and as we’ve said many of times it helps out a lot. Thanks again Tina
Updated 4/1 12 AM – Just a heads up to all of those that emailed me and posted a comment. Yes this was just an April Fools Day post. Erie is still kicking butt and to be honest is looking pretty good right now. There was no snow in the Syracuse area and Yesterday was a Beautiful day in Da’Cuse. Erase that 8.3 inches on Syracuse’s totals
Media, Be Warned – Updated Today 10 AM – The sun is are starting to shine now so most likely the snow band has lifting back to the north but at least it dropped just enough to put the pressure back on Erie, PA It looks like we are going to be going back and forth for a bit. Hard to believe it’s suppose to hit the 50′s here in Syracuse today but it’s warming up fast. The good news is that when I woke up today the neighbor did my driveway for me so no shoveling
Rochester only picked up a couple inches, nothing for Erie or Buffalo and the 8.3 inches was what the stats were showing for Syracuse. Most likely no more will be added to that total come the later day update.
3/31 5 PM - The Lake Effect that they were predicting finally stopped or should I say finally panned out. So many times this season the lake effect snow bands would just hang to the North of Syracuse, drop down a little but stop before it reached us. This band was probably the best we have received this season dropping 8.3 inches so far according to NOAA. The good news is it’s suppose to be nice tomorrow. The bad news is that this snow is the wet and really heavy snow
I’m still waiting for the snow stats to come our for Rochester to see how much Lake Effect they got. When I looked at the radar earlier this evening it didn’t look like Anything was going on in their neck of the woods So most likely Syracuse should hold on to the lead. For now anyways.
Stay Tuned and have a Great Night
NOAA is still reporting Syracuse at 131.7. Is this 8.3 inch snow addition for Syracuse a joke?
It was Snow Watcher
Just an April Fools trying to get Erie a bit nervous…
april fools.