The 2024-2025 Top 25 Snowiest Cities in The United States With Most Snow
Top 25 Snowiest US Cities as of 3/8/2025 8:00 PM
First off as always, a BIG Thanks to those who made donations so far this season. I truly appreciate them and they help out a lot PayPal does accept most credit cards and Please let me know where you are from in the description box at Pay Pal
OK, end of begging, and stay safe this snowy season
A Big Thanks To You Folks For Your Donations This Season:
The Top 25 snowiest US cities over 100,000 and we will add them as we find them and as the new 2020 census becomes available..
The first number is the current spot the city is on the snow mountain last updated. The second number is where the city was at the end of the last season. We will be switching it to how the city started this season and then the current updated place as the cities receive snowfall totals.
This is where the Top Twenty Five Snowiest US Cities leading so far in the Golden Snow Globe Contest will be updated. Does your city have what it takes to stay in the top 25? All of the cities will be on a rolling system with only the top 25 snowiest cities here on the main page. That means that if your city is number 25 and another city passes yours, poof, your city is gone from this section. Can your city stay in the top twenty-five is the question? Our guess is that there will be some bouncing around especially at the beginning.
Standings on 3/8 & Updated on 2/4 |
and Cities |
2010 City |
2024 – 2025 |
Last Season's Snow |
1-2 | Syracuse, New York |
145,170 |
112.1 |
45.6 |
2-1 | Erie, Pennsylvania |
101,786 |
111.1 |
22.3 |
3-3 | Rochester, New York |
210,565 |
85.6 |
42.5 |
4-5 | Buffalo, New York |
261,310 |
76.5 |
59.6 |
5-4 | Grand Rapids, Michigan |
188,040 |
62.1 |
40.1 |
6-6 | Boulder, Colorado ** |
108,250 |
58.9 |
??? |
7-13 | Billings, Montana ** |
104,170 |
49.3 |
25.8 |
8-7 | Denver, Colorado ** |
600,158 |
43.5 |
??? |
9-8 | Colorado Springs, Colorado ** |
416,427 |
43.3 |
33.7 |
10-35 | Manchester, New Hampshire |
109,565 |
40.9 |
24.9 |
11-16 | Flint, Michigan |
102,434 |
38.4 |
22.7 |
12-12 | Ann Arbor, Michigan |
113,934 |
38.4 |
??? |
13-15 | South Bend, Indiana |
101.168 |
38.1 |
29.9 |
14-10 | Lansing, Michigan |
114,297 |
37.7 |
24.8 |
15-14 | Akron, Ohio |
199,110 |
34.9 |
13.5 |
16-17 | Cleveland, Ohio |
396,815 |
34.5 |
20.0 |
17-23 |
Lakewood, Colorado ** |
142,980 |
34.4 |
31.0 |
18-38 | Green Bay, Wisconsin * |
104,057 |
34.0 |
30.7 |
19-18 | Pittsburgh, Pa |
305,704 |
33.8 |
15.8 |
20-19 | Worcester, Mass |
181,045 |
33.3 |
36.7 |
21-11 | Pueblo, Colorado ** |
106,595 |
31.6 |
18.0 |
22-9 | Anchorage, Alaska **** |
291,826 |
31.4 |
119.1 |
23-20 | Cincinnati, Ohio |
296,943 |
29.3 |
7.8 |
24-21 | Topeka, Kansas |
127,473 |
29.0 |
17.8 |
25-34 | Spokane, Washington *** |
208,916 |
28.9 |
27.0 |
Erie should now be officially removed from the list of cities for next winter, no longer has 100,000 people.
Erie should remain an honorary member of the contest as a respect to a past champion. Old champions still play in the Masters golf. Erie still plays in the snow contest. Certainly Greg Norman doesn’t scare anyone at this point right??!
Very disturbing to see New England — they have over-reacted from the deflation and have now begun to inflate. Is there no honor left northeast of the Hudson??
The Census is never full proof, there are idiots out there that dont fill it out. There are some out there that are clueless what they are doing when they fill it out. It is only an estimation nothing more. What drop Erie and then in ten years re add them. I say 600 people is not enough to make a decision in a fun contest like this. Seems to me you just want to get rid of the competition. Heck lets get technical and take eries crown from the 2013-2014 season since technically the population was below 100000 then too most likely. ~shakes head~ your comment is like a kid tattling on another and your the only one making an issue over it. Population fluctuates over the years anywhere so in three years we could be be right up over 100000 again but really wont know for ten years whent they do the census again. Anyway whatever if Erie gets removed then it does lol removing Erie pretty much will secure most places in new york to be on the top every year.
The people in Erie are way too nice to boot you all out of the contest. Erie will be around until the next official numbers come out in 2020
Now get to work Erie and get the population up before then
It has not been officially proven that Erie has less than 100,000 people since the article you are referring to only uses a census estimate. It will not be until 2020 and the next census count that accurate data will exist regarding the population of Erie.
Hi tommy, your right Buffalo did get screwed. If they can adjust totals for lowell then they should count Buffalo’s snow. Its all grey now and yes we may see snow here in the Cuse tonight. With a little northwest wind and temps in the low 30′s could happen. But I’m sure there would be another adjustment. Lol.
Ha!!! Dave chance of snow tonight in Syr. The FAT Lady has not sung yet. Camden where the heck is that? Jersey. I know it snows a ton in Redfield like 300 inches but its not a major city like Buffalo. Feelin for Worcester they had it. Too bad this wasn’t called a few weeks ago…
Enough already about Lowell they won national suck it up Syracuse folks always whining and I live in upstate NY in Tug hill between Camden and Redfield I like to see that competition I think Buffalo got screwed there was a few feet of snow in the south side of the city I drive tractor trailer was through there and I don’t mean the suburbs south of the city like everyone says in town south side yeah yeah it wasn’t the airport if you took measurements in city south side it would have been diff so Syr take your golden globe state and whine about the national its still snowin out west was in Denver area last week 7 inches upstate NY was 80 degrees its wher you are any given time
Wow!!!! That’s it!!!! That explains it!!!! We now know that in today’s age of technology Lowell lags far behind!! They still have to punch in their totals to a phone keypad!! And still not get it right! Maybe I should loan them one of my grade school kids to help them? They text far better than lowell’s snow keeper enters data! Hey did you ever hear of a paper pen and fax?? Ohhh that’s right if you faxed the right information the first time then it would be hard to change??? Right?? Well enjoy your victory if you want to call it one! We’ll be waiting for your next adjustment!!! Where’s the BEER!!! Okay I’m better now LOL!!! Can’t wait for next season!!!! And all of the ADJUSTMENTS!!! Have a nice summer everyone! Even you Lowell!! Ha Ha!
Hi Glen, looks like Lowell is going win if you want to call it a win! They will adjust their totals when ever they need to steal a win! If anyone gets snow they will a just so they have more!! Real SNOW CITIES DON’T have to adjust their totals!!!! Its real snow not magical snow like Jacks beans!!
Hey, I think its snowing in Lowell!! They should have another foot according to the snow keeper!! Lol!! And maybe if they are slow enough getting their totals in they can add this to next season!!
Yeah read my post from March 26th. I called it out then when Lowell got snow or an adjustment was made. Foul play going on!!!
WTF!!! Are ya kiddin me. Did it Really snow in Lowell recently? Someone explain please..?This
Glenn, I’m not quite sure how Lowell moved ahead but they are in the lead now. I talked to a journalist who talked to the Boston NWS and they told him there was no adjustment. Could be they were behind or something else. I know I check every now and then to see if any of the cities had more snow. Lowell has been showing 118.6 until this last time I checked and another 2 inches was added to the total. Had to have been some kind of correction or something…
BREAKING NEWS!!! New England to get magical snowstorm on memorial weekend!!!
Hey it came from the same guy keeping snow totals in Lowell!! See miracles happen! Even if they get a little help!!! Hey I think I see ice?? Yupp. Maybe we should add it to our snow total?? NOT!! Its keeping my beet cold!! Don’t want to waste it on Lowell!!
I have one question to ask??? Was the snow checker the same guy who watched the footballs for the Patriots???? Boy does this smell BAD!! Its nice when you can go back two months yes that’s two months to check your math!! Looks like everything about New England is crooked! Its pretty sad when you have to fix a snow contest! Congrats!!!
Looks like its time to relax with a cooler of beer and start sharpening the shovels and ice pics for next season. Put sun tan lotion on while tuning up the snow blower and snow plow it won’t be long before the snow fly’s again.
I am going to bet this is what its going to be a two-way tie and was definitely a good race this year. Just glad we at Erie didn’t have a repeat of last year. One thing I will say is being new to this whole white winter scene. The difference for Erie last winter and this winter is last year it snowed more but always seemed to find away to melt before it snowed again whether it rained it away or just went away. Not to forget last year it started earlier. This year we stayed relatively mild through December and then got hit hard come January. What I noticed this winter is that the snow didn’t go away so it piled up and most times it was snow ice snow ice snow and so on turning everything into a glacier out back and front. So even though we do not have the top spot, the white stuff just didn’t want to go away. Congrats to Syracuse for a huge rally towards the end to be tied at the top but in short I am glad its not us and personally would have rather not been in the top ten XD. Still though Im trying to figure out why I moved here two years ago from the nice warm state of Texas. The funniest thing out of all of this though is I would have thought Anchorage Alaska would have been in the running I find it hard to believe now for two years Anchorage did not even make the top cities. Anyway much love to the top five snowiest cities ;P its well deserved and am happy to celebrate your accomplishments this year XD
I live in a suburb of Syracuse and to have back to back days in late April and get another 0.6″ of snow to tie Worcester MA. Well I guess it was worth it. But that is enough.
S comes Before W!!!
Ha Glenn
I normally go by the first city to get to the top but in this case I may shuffle them back and forth
Just curious…looks as though Syracuse amounts have stayed the same for over a week– Do they reflect April accumulations?
Hi Elizabeth, All of the cities include any snow that would have fallen so far this month. Not looking good right now for Syracuse. There were a few days a week or so ago when snow was falling around the Syracuse area but nothing was being reported from the airport which is where the measurements ar taken
One more blast of cold air would be nice to move Da’Cuse ahead but 70′s today is nice
Syracuse and Buffalo both had snow last night and today just not sure what fell at the airports
Just for the record Rochester NY is actually at about 111 inches of the white stuff. My understanding is that during the biggest storm of the year when we got 19 inches of snow an airplane going the buy the measurement area blew off almost a foot of snow and broke the gauge used to measure it. So this year is playfully under protest.
Lol Steven, I do remember that storm though. All of the places around The Roc had a lot higher totals and even the National Weather Service held off a couple of days reporting what the airport reported. No doubt Rochester took a hit on that snow
Excuses excuses…..
Erie is making a late run at it with a good bit of snow today. We might get enough to bump Boston out of the way, but we’ll get nowhere near the current leaders.
Hey Alan, pretty close. Just 0.3 inches away from taking over the #5 spot from Boston
5.3 inches reported so far for Erie as of 5:00 PM
Ugh! It is snowing again in Lowell today!
Syracuse better step it up a few snowflakes and soon
Snowed last night and today in Cuse just not sure about at the airport. Lol
How did Lowell get snow to pass Worster in the past week with No snow for any top city???
I’m not sure if they picked up snow the last few days Glenn or if it just may be an adjustment from awhile back….
It’s snowing in Lowell again, right now.
Still got a 1′ thick glacier in my yard 10 miles north of Syracuse, no grass snowing.
Only 21,000 people in Marquette…doesn’t make the “big city” cut.
You need to add Marquette, MI to the list. I think you will find it will top your current number one by quite a bit.
All of you in Marquette need to start making babies Rusty so they can reach the 100,000 population requirement
A fun national snow contest for the snowiest city in the United States with a population of 100,000 or more!
Historically Syr.Cuse has had snow lateas Mother’s Day May 14th or later. Keep the totals flowing…
3/22 and 3/23 each got a 1/2 inch in Syracuse. Maybe another update? Or does it end on the 1st day of spring? Either way, Syracuse = the snow king!
Just got an update in Elliot. Nope the contest goes until the last snowflake falls which the way the season is going could be in June
Syracuse did it again!
Go Boston broke that snow record yeah I ma Red Sox fan 70 inches over normal in a few weeks 4 major storms two blizzards yeah hope they have Fenway park ready Ill help shovel seats
Actually the city limits of Buffalo missed out on the Big Snow event that occurred just south of the city earlier this winter…It is a popular misconception that Buffalo got clobbered….In actuality, the Buffalo suburbs got clobbered, Buffalo’s downtown got barely a foot of snow from the South Towns lake effect snow event near Buffalo earlier this past winter.
Exactly. The places that did get hit got hit hard, but Buffalo was spared. The place with the most snow this year in the US is actually Copenhagen NY, at 256 inches as of last week. Its about 75 miles north of Syracuse.
Not entirely true. South Buffalo got around 5 feet.
Why did you guys leave out NYC’s Laguardia Airport which is closing on 50 inches of snow so far this winter?….Bronx, N.Y. is at an unofficial 52 inches. Even Manhattan’s Central Park is closing in on Four Feet of snow, putting all three in the top 20. Get it right….These are big cities we’re talking here, way over 100,000 population and rarely in the top 20, so this would be news.
Hi Nelson, it’s actually one guy and you do make a good point. I have used all 3, Central Park, LaGuardia and JFK for NYC in the past. The main list use to be the Top 10 snowiest cities and slowly it was expanded to the top 25 and then others were added and the list went to 50 plus cities. Right now, I have it at 44 cities which help save me some time each update. 40 plus hours a week go into keeping my fun little HOBBY updated and so on. It’s pretty much a time issue as far as adding a lot more cities in. Anyways, I try to keep an eye on all 3 locations and I checked awhile back and none of the locations were in the Top 25 so I just stuck with Central Park. Must have been awhile ago
This last update I did switch the location for NYC to LaGuardia which has the highest totals of the 3 right now. NYC did jump all the way from 26th (Central Park) to 16th (LaGuardia) which I know will make a lot of people happy. Thanks for the heads up Nelson
Snowing at airport right now. Cuse will now be in the Lead!!!
Hey what’s that noise? Is it air or snow coming out of those balls? Won’t be long until the Cuse is out front.
The Golden Snowball Award is a contest between 5 cities in CNY – Upstate New York. The contest is based on which city receives the most snowfall for the snow season. The cities that compete are Albany, Buffalo, Binghamton, Rochester and last years Champion, Syracuse.” A trophy is awarded to the winning city every year.
Yes I know it is. But it really is no contest Syracuse has won 45 times since 1950. The ten years before that Buffalo won because Syracuse was not playing lol. Looks like we will win the snowball again this year. And the globe too.
Hey, does ice count/
Worcester is supposed to get that delight overnight.
Bet Syracuse can’t boast of that!!!!!
I thought Erie,Pa won last year
I’m torn on this one. I’m from the Worcester area but I’m a Syracuse University grad. Who do I root for?
Hi Pete, we are talking about the Golden Snowball Contest. Its the New York contest for most snowfall in cities with more than 100,000. In Fifty years from now we can look back and see Syracuse will have won the majority of Golden Snow Globe Contests too. Unless they change the rules.
Hey Worster yur Next. Cuse cuse cuse!!!
America’s obsession with winning, hahhh! Erie here checking in and pleased as plonski to be sixth and fading fast. We “won” last year and winning this contest is like winning the ugliest dog, the biggest goiter, or the dumbest student competition, but if you must, Syracuse, you go, girl.
Figures can be strange since Syracuse often says one thing but where most people live nearby is 15 miles away either direction & it’s about 8* colder with a lot more snow. Figure 30-50″ more snow each year yet still not like Tug Hill with 300-500″ per year which I believe is about the most snowfall on planet earth.
It’s funny when Boston or NYC gets a storm. They close the places down & act like some dramatic natural thing is going on when Syracuse itself probably already had that much by then end of November before the real snows started.
Same thing in other ares where a given City is mentioned. If one is just out of the City or different part then totals are totally different yet for a City the size of Syracuse, it gets more than even Fairbanks, Alaska.
Worcester is not in the same category as Boston. Just like I would imagine is the situation in Syracuse and Rochester, etc., when it snows the Worcester DPW removes the snow and treats the roads. Usually we can see pavement on major streets shortly after the snow stops. This winter has been a little different because of the rate of snowfall and the extreme temperatures, but the city has been up and running through it all. I would guess that is the situation in Syracuse and Rochester most of the time too. (Shame how you have lost so many residents in upstate NY…so beautiful.) And yes, I begrudgingly agree that one of the lake effect cities will win.
I don’t think I would count Worcester out. You seem to get the snow there almost as long into the season as the cities like Syracuse do. Worcester has me just as concerned as Buffalo, Erie, Lowell and maybe Rochester and Boston do right now
That said, Go Syracuse
Population density is a real issue. Boston and NYC have 2x or more Syracuse’s population per sq mile (5700 versus 11000) Lowell ma in the same boat (about 8k) which would warrant a lot more issues. Therefore the shutdown.
Keep on snowing! Go Lowell!
“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled snowflakes yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming cumulus cloud.
Send these, the homeless flakes, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my mitten and beckon you to your adopted Syracuse!”
Lol, I love it E
Well well well, it is amazing how many people on here try to ignore Worcester or try to qualify the totals by mentioning ” towns” outside of the city. It is also humorous all the talk about Boston. Well folks, we here in Worcester know better. We get big storms and small events. Due to our elevation, 1006′, most of the time in the winter our precipitation is snow. Our little brother to the Northeast, Lowell MA, also is enjoying a lot of snow this year too. To those in the Cuse, or Buffalo, or Erie, or even Anchorage, Worcester is not only in the club (vs Boston), we are now hiring the bouncers. Btw,?we are expecting several snow events over the next few days and we picked a few more inches up last night. Lol
Lol Bill and it’s on now
Here come Da’Cuse… Well if the NWS would stop making adjustments to our snow totals then here comes Da’Cuse
How much snow have Springfield, Mass and Cambridge, Mass received this season?
You sound a bit deflated by the competition.
…couldn’t resist…
Lol, your snow above your head right now. Your on a record year and only leading Syracuse by what 5 inches. We will be getting snow long after your snow stops. Enjoy your lead while it lasts. We still have months of snow left to fall. You guys in New England can take the air out of footballs BUT you can’t take the snow out of Syracuse haha!! We will prevail!
Accumulating snow in the Cuse today. Could be the new leader tomorrow with 3 to 6 predicted!!!
I don’t think it will happen Glenn. It looks like parts of Mass may get up to 8 inches overnight. I’m loving how we have so many cities still in the running though
Buffalo has been getting snow all day, too
City of Fulton, NY (pop. well under 100k) thirty miles NW of Cuse has 182 inches so far. So Redfield even further N must have nearly 300 inches!!! Ontario Lake Effect machine. Wonder what Oswego has??? Lots of bursted water pipes and frozen lines we hear…
Hey Glenn, here is an article that was put out a couple of days ago by another Glenn
Glenn Coin from the Post Standard. Missing Oswego and a few of the other big snow cities but shows several others..
Keewenaw county has that beat even though it’s been a down year for snow at 226″ and counting.
nope vic, we have that beat, and redfield new york beat the keweenaw last season also, 383 to 340, wiki even have the UP of michigan # 2 to the Tug Hill Plateau in new york as the lake effect snow kings.
Know this is US national snow contest but I spent some time in Japan in the military northern part of island which weather is like our northern states Sapporo a city of 1 million gets 200 inches on average more than Syracuse and Buffalo on their biggest totals ever and I think the Gentleman who commented on Boston Tom I believe is right that city has had 4 major storms two of them blizzards in three weeks with streets that haven’t changed a lot since Paul Revere Syracuse only been getting a few inches here and there been in Upstate NY all my life haven’t seen Syr get any big ones long time
Hi Tommy, Snow is snow. This contest is for the most snow in the US. And as far as Boston they won’t get much more than they already have. As far as only getting a few inches here and there, we get more snow on average than any other metro city in the US. Its funny
How just because somebody gets a storm they feel oh we should win the contest. Guess we should all stop measuring and just give it to Boston, NOT.
If they have more than Syracuse in the end congrats, but I doubt that will happen. We have one of the best snow machines around. Even if it only gives us a few inches here and there. Remember the tortoise and the hare, just like Boston the hare started fast. But in the end the tortoise, won. Syracuse is slow and steady.
Loved your rebuttal.
Um, how easy to ignore Worcester MA, which has had snow as late as May and is on pace to challenge our record of 131″. Btw, we are approx 40 miles west of Boston.
Hey Dave I live in upstate NY in Camden NY which gets more snow on average than Syracuse 145 on average yeah I know not a big metro area as Syr but Ive been a lot of places many spots get more than Syracuse They should do all measurements in town not the airport which in Syracuses case is in North Syracuse Mattydale area separate town NYC does it best believe it or not they take a measurement at LaGuardia in Queens and one in Midtown Manhattan Cntral park theirs a lot of difference sometimes 6 or seven inches with the Manhatten having less They should all be in the central cities Buffalo Roch or Syracuse Cleveland Valdez Alaska snowiest in the US yeah I know not a big metro area but they got SYR BEAT BY 100 INCHES
Hi Tommy, I see you are familiar with the Syracuse area. Well the airport is approx. 2 miles, yes thats two miles from the northeast side of syracuse. And about all these other places you mention they can’t play in this snowball fight they don’t have the population. Sorry. Oh Camden is nice go up there often.
I’ve seen that about sapporo on tv downhill ski racing and know they held the winter olympics their in 1972, my question is though are they measuring those totals in the city itself at 95 feet elevation or are they measuring up in elevation a bit out of the city limits? If you notice roof top pic’s of the city of sapporo in winter time with all them flat roofed buildings, they hardley have any snow on them, 200+ inches in winter time in a city like that would do some damage on them roofs or huge monster icicles hanging off them buildings. I’ve been in ogden utah where they boast huge snow totals, but the town itself sees maybe 50 inches, same with aspen colorado, they avg. 200+ but the town itself below the mountain line can’t hold a candle to the town of oswego new york as far as gnarleyness! so somebody show me whats what, cause I can’t picture a city that size with all them buildings get that much snow, 200 inches is a shit ton of snow, its gotta be outside the city limits heading up into the mountains.
Glenn believe the snow Sapporo gets I was stationed in Japan from may till july 1996 1997 I didn’t have smart phone internet and all that stuff then get online youll see they were just starting to get heat exchangers under sidewalks most office buildingds the same they must have well over a million people there now they have the biggest Lake effect machine the Sea of Japan and the city is 400 square miles two other cities in Japan cant think of there names one gets around 300 that was in the 90s as I was at Yokasuka naval base which gets hardly anything but head to the big island Honshu Hokkaida another world
Hi Bill, 131″ is our average not our record in Syracuse. Enjoy your lead while it lasts.
Springfield, Ma has 56 ” of snow this year … pop is 153,703. It tends to track lower than Albany NY and Pittsfield, MA higher than Hartford, CT
Nils, I’m curious where you saw that total for Springfield, MA??? Maybe I am missing something. I know the Now Data on the National Weather Service has been messing up lately and I can’t even pull up the totals for Springfield, MA. Brings me to a different city
If they are at that total (Official NWS) and the pop checks out I will add them in
Send me a link please …
my number came from a report on wwlp-22 so it isn’t official).
KCEF is the weather station at Westover (ANGB base just north of springfield) about the same distance from Springfield as Hancock is from Syr
link to there data, but you probably have a better one
Hi Nils, Thanks for the link unfortunately it’s wayyyy over my head and No, I don’t have a better link. What surprises me is that there aren’t more weather stations set up in or around the bigger cities with a population of 100,00 or more. I know that last season I had to pull South Bend, Indiana out of the contest because the airport stopped keeping track for the NWS that handles that city. They even put out an SOS pretty much to try and get a group or person to take over but couldn’t get anyone to do it. I’m guessing that is the reason why some of the bigger cities don’t have a station taking measurements
I need to make a call to the Taunton NWS office in the next couple of days and I’ll bring it up and see what they have to say or maybe they have something we are missing.
I believe it was you who made a more than generous donation to the snow site today or last night. I want to personally Thank You for that. The snow site has been pretty much full time (and then some) a good part of this season and that helps big time. I’ve pretty much put on hold most of my product websites for the time being, at least while it’s snowing
Thanks again so much Nils
Hey, look who moved into second place soon to be first. Must be lake Erie is now frozen and buffalo is trying to use snow totals from out lying areas to bolster there total. Hey you can always still use your snow to keep your beer cold.
I remember Patrick (I think it was him) posted this last year and I thought I might as well share it with everyone that hasn’t seen it yet. It’s a bit irrelevant since us Erieites aren’t in first anymore, but here it is nonetheless.
Dear Diary
August 12th – Moved to our new home in Erie, PA. It is so beautiful here. The mountains are so majestic, can hardly wait to see snow covering them.
October 14th – Erie, PA is the most beautiful place on earth. The leaves are all turned colors with shades of red and orange. Went for a ride through the beautiful mountains and saw some deer. They were so graceful. Certainly they are the most wonderful animal on earth. This must be paradise. I love it here.
November 11th – Deer season will start soon. I can’t imagine anyone wanting to kill such a gorgeous creature. Hope it will snow soon.
December 2nd – It snowed last night. Woke up to find everything blanketed with white snow. It looks like a postcard. We went outside and cleaned the snow off the steps and shoveled the driveway. We had a snowball fight (I won) and when the snowplow came by, we had to shovel the driveway again. What a beautiful place, I love Erie, PA.
December 12th – More snow last night. I love it. The snowplow did his trick again to the driveway. I love it here in Erie, PA.
December 19th – More snow last night. I couldn’t get out of the driveway to get to work. I am exhausted from shoveling. Dumb snowplow.
December 22nd – More STUPID snow last night. I’ve got blisters on my hands from shoveling and I think the snowplow hides around the curve and waits until I’m done shoveling the driveway. The JERK!
December 25th – Merry Christmas. More STUPID snow! If I ever get my hands on that STUPID JERK who drives the snowplow, I swear I’ll kill the driver. Don’t know why they don’t use more salt on the roads to melt the darn ice.
December 27th – More snow fell last night. I’ve been inside for three days except for shoveling out the driveway after that snowplow goes through. Can’t go anywhere; car’s stuck in a mountain of snow. The weatherman says to expect another 10″ of snow again tonight. Do you know how many shovels full of snow 10″ is?
December 28th – The darned weatherman was wrong again! We got 34″ of snow this time. At this rate it won’t melt before the summer. The snowplow got stuck in the road and that STUPID JERK had the nerve to come to the door and ask to borrow my shovel. After I told him I had broken six shovels already shoveling all the snow he pushed into the driveway, I broke my last one over his STUPID head!
January 4th – Finally got out of the house today. Went to the store to get some food and on the way back a darned deer ran in front of the car and I hit it. It did about $3000.00 dollars worth of damage to the car. Those beasts should be killed. Wish the hunters would have gotten them all last November.
May 3rd – Took the car to the garage in town. Would you believe the thing is rusting out from the STUPID salt they put all over the roads.
May 10th – Moved to Florida. I can’t imagine why anyone in their right mind would ever live in that god forsaken city of Erie, PA.
Something tells me that Erie doesn’t have an average snowfall to date of 8.1″…
Ha, Yeah I did catch that this update Jake and Thanks
If these measurements were done right it wouldn’t even be close with Buffalo blowing away everyone else by ver 100 inches. Cheektowaga ( where the airport is ) isn’t Buffalo.
Also where is Springfield?
Randell, which Springfield are you talking about? There are at least a couple and probably more. Through the season(s) I have had about 25 other cities in the contest. Because of the time it takes to do updates I narrowed it down a little. Normally a couple hours now for each update on the snow contests not counting the blogging part, answering emails, comment and researching stuff. Lately it’s been 10 – 12 hours a day, longer if there are storms. I had no choice. Anyways I do check the cities from time to time to see how they are doing. At this time in the season if I see one that will break into the Top 25 I will add them back in. The cities below are kind of spread out for different areas and in the contest for a couple of other reasons..
I did just look at the cities that have been pulled through the seasons yesterday. If you are talking about Springfield, Illinois they were at 24.5 and the normal snowfall for them at this time in the season is 16.9.
If you are talking about Springfield, Missouri they are at 10.4 as of the same date above. I did was thinking about adding Springfield, IL back in and also Columbus, OH which has the highest of the cities dropped with 27.8 inches. Right now there are probably 50 plus cities that could be on the list but like I mentioned it’s more of a time thing than anything else. I do keep checking those cities and as I mentioned, if they make it to the Top 25 I will be more than happy to add them back in. When I get a chance I post all of the cities that have been dropped this season and in previous seasons…
BTW, when I dropped Springfield, IL and I don’t remember when unfortunately, they were only at 7.3 inches…
Probably the snowiest of the Springfields is Springfield MA, which is 100K+ pop. They share an airport with Hartford CT, so might be the same snowfall as there.
But if it (the airport) received the 7′ you would be saying it is, so move your measuring station to say …mmmmmm SYRACUSE. Then you might win.
In all honesty whatever town wins should pass the title to Buffalo. -Erie resident
Hi, just because the villages and towns south east of Buffalo get the snow does not mean buffalo the city got the snow. If we want to play that game then the snow belt and I mean the real snow belt is just to the north of Syracuse about the same distance as those towns and villages are from Buffalo. We could easily double Syracuse’s totals now.we are only talking a ten to fifteen minute drive from the airport. So even though they received a lot of snow the snow the city received counts.
I agree with you
~Erie Resident
Nah, Buffalo gets all the press but rarely gets any real snowfall (96 inch average? that is wimpy). Every once in a while they get a couple big storms, but as others have noted if we counted the Tug hill as part of Syracuse or Oswego then they would be kings every year. All we can go by is the official numbers. Yes, I am in Syracuse, but if we could get Albany’s averages and lose the snowball then I would be a far happier person this time of year!
I guess you cant put professionals next to amatures. Here in northern Michigan we have 200+ inches (Look up the snowmometer for the Keewanaw). Our all time high was just shy of 400 inches, or about 33 feet
Same thing over this way Abby Wilson, Redfield New York just north of Syracuse in Oswego County on the Tug Hill went over the 200 inch mark in the first week of February and thats below par for them, they had 383 inches last season which was 40 inches more than they had up in the Keweenaw last winter, and their all time season high was 420 inches of snow. Highest ever recorded on the Tug Hill was up in Hooker where they measured 466.9 inches, The Tug Hill Plateau is the Super Bowl of Snow, just north of the ‘Cuse!!!
Yeah, you pros can keep all this snow. Those of us here in Mass would just as soon be at the bottom of the list. Boston is an absolute nightmare this winter. Of course, our population density is pretty intense. You guys don’t have a city that millions of people (by which I mean angry, aggressive monsters) commute in and out of every day.
Hi, the population for the whole county there is 43,000.
This contest is for cities of more than 100,000, so you are not eligible. Sorry.
Lowell is at 117″ as of today, Feb 23rd
Not in this contest.
Should Springfield, MA and/or Cambridge, MA be on the list?
Steve, I may have asked you this before but are you any relation to Kevin Sousa?
Not for long, there’s still two months of snow for Syracuse.
TWO months? Pffft. We’ve had snow WELL into May in the past.
Long live Syberiacuse.
Measurements are all about location, location, location. Head 20 minutes north of the Syracuse airport and you can essentially double the snow totals. Head to Redfield and you can pretty much multiple the Syracuse numbers by pi.
…and head 10 minutes south of the Buffalo measurements and you would tack on an addition 7 feet of snow. That’s how it goes.
Actually it would be under 5 minutes south/east…I live under 5 minutes from the airport and we got 7 feet, the airport got 6.7 inches…
Half the city of Buffalo got 7 feet of snow as well, so the total is pretty misleading, as in this instance, the majority of the snow fell in Buffalo and the immediate suburbs, NOT the Southtowns 20 or 30 minutes away…
You could move your measuring station, BUT when the next lake effect finger dumps 7′ to the north suburbs. The measurement to the south will be the one that counts. So either way buffalo still comes up short or did I say wide right?
Where is Springfield?
I’m surprised downeast maine hasn’t made the list yet!
Hey John Wayne, you got cities in maine that populate more than 100,000?
@ John Wayne,
Caribou – 106.0 inches
Bangor – 104.3
Bridgewater 105.5
Portland – 85.6
Concord – 81.4
Rangeley – 106.2 in the mountains, seasonal avg, 200 inches, got an old navy buddy up in there.
Mt. Washington NH 220.3 – had to throw that baby in there!
Impressive totals for Maine, but no cities close to 100K population….Portland is biggest at 60+K
Here come da Cuse!!! A mere 9 inches from top. Made up that huge 30 inch deficit…
Rochester NY snowfall has been butchered by the FAA contract employee. Our data has been compromised. All local Mets. agree. It’s a shame a city that prides itself in it’s snowfall can’t have accurate measurements. This is the second year in a row our snowfall wasn’t recorded correctly. The rest of the area has received at least another 12″
I have no problem believing this info. There have been multiple days where we get a significant accumulation and the reporting (Which I check every day) do NOT accurately represent the snowfall. I am not far enough from the airport to explain this.
If its lake effect snow, one mile makes a big difference in snow totals. Wind direction determines who gets it. I’m only a few miles from our airport in Syracuse and I know I’ve received more snow than they are reporting here, but their measurements count.
Good point. Not to mention the fact that it has been so cold lately that the snow is dry and crystalline and the wind has been intense so it has been very difficult to take accurate measurements. I live north of Syracuse, just south of the Tug Hill plateau, and we average 179 inches a year, 64 inches more a year than Syracuse despite the fact that I am only about 22 miles from the airport where the readings are taken. Even more drastic, there is a “line” that you cross about 12 miles away from where I live that sits on the very edge of the typical lake snow band area. Despite the fact that there is only 12 miles distance, that area gets about 40 inches less than us on average. So, like Believer pointed out, with lake effect snow being the primary culprit, there can be drastic differences in the amount of snow reported between two areas that are only miles apart.
Hi Z,
Your in another world up there. Your snow totals are insane. Its funny when you have to use a snow blower to clear your roof. I go up there frequently.
That comment about the cold dry air is also a good point. Had it been a little warmer our typical lake effect would give us much higher snow measurements. Just think we are on the verge of climbing to the top if the snow mountain, even though all we’ve had is this fine snow.
If you are at home regularly and are interested, check out the following link:
I used to be a daily observer for Ithaca and it’s pretty straightforward.
True, lake effect can be quite different in measuring by just a short distance. This year however, here in Syracuse, have not had much lake effect, as the wind direction wasn’t in a favorable direction. Most of what we’ve received this season, is synoptic, which comes from low pressure and clipper systems (and why we are not at 130 inches, we lacked lake effect this year)….
Want some? Buffalo had extra this year