1,292 comments on “Current Top 25 Snowiest US Cities

  1. Dave, no doubt Oswego and the other sities to the north and south get more. I think it was maybe 3 – 4 years ago when I was in awe when Oswego got something like 10 days in a row of 1 – 2 feet of snow each day. I respect all of the smaller cities that get the big time snow.

  2. Being just south of Oswego, it always amazes me how different it can be up in CNY with the snow totals. Just the other week, I remember Fulton and Oswego getting hammered with almost two feet of snow, yet, where I live just 10 miles south, we got maybe an inch. It’s awesome. There were also times where I had more than 5 inches of snow in the morning, and yet there was no snow in downtown Syracuse where I work, so for sure, the places north and west of Syracuse get a whole lot more…

  3. Cory, I agree and will try and get something up this weekend. Been trying to catch up on some work and find a few hours to update.

    For all of you in Oswego and smaller cities, I’ve always respected the snow you get. I even tried staing a smaller city NY snow contest a few years back with Oswego, watertown, Fulton and some others included but the problem was trying to find accurate stats if any.. I also know there are some great snow spotters out there.

    Another note, this site takes on average 2 – 3 hours each update with just the cities listed and there are probably at least 30 more over 100,000 pop that have snowfall. IMAGINE trying to do all of the smaller cities in the US. It would take days just to update the stats if they had them available and by then you would just have to start over again.

    That said I REALLY do love seeing the snow totals from the smaller cities so thanks for posting them ;)

  4. we are currently up to 158″s of snow thanks to a lake effect band that gave the CITY of Oswego 18″s last night. Syracuse is just the closest 100,000 people city. Thats why they are listed.

  5. I’m from So Bend – never get used to this much snow. Albany & SB are both about 40″ over normal…but poor Boston, Hartford & Newark. They are over normal by what some of the other cities normal is to date.

    And Erie PA is having a quite normal winter for the Winter to beat all Winters. Al Gore said he has an answer for this – I bet it has something to do with the GOP taking back the HOR.:)

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  7. Does everybody realize that this contest is for cities with populations over 100,000 people.
    what about Houghton MI? big deal,what about Redfield New York! or any other town in northern oswego and southern jefferson county. those places are the SUPER BOWL of snowstorms, check out youtube for oswego county snowstorms, they can get up to 140 inches of snow in 1 week! Mexico NY, Parish NY, Redfield NY, Pulaski NY, Barnes Corners NY, Montague NY, etc,etc, those places are # 1 in the country for lake effect snow dumpings! with the Upper Penninsula of Michigan in the # 2 spot. Check out Paradise Ranger Station in Washington state, they avg. close to 1000 inches of snow in a season which lasts for 12 months, but there at an altitude where animals don’t even hang out at. Oswego county avg’s 250-400 inches of snow a season where people actually have to live and shop and go to school and work! thats pretty impressive stuff!!

  8. I live in Mattydale which is outside Syracuse and they tend to ignore us on the national stage. They tend to always talk about Buffalo or NYC. which doesn’t get half the snow we do. I think Montague gets alot more snow then we do.

  9. Is there a minimum population requirement? Where are the truly “snowy” cities like Houghton, MI and not to mention any city in Alaska?! 114″ of snow is not impressive by any standard.

  10. Cricket, for Syracuse the stats are from the airport. OH, and don’t even go there about how far it is up north ;)

  11. Anon, I’m guessing you’re talking about the stats on the far left. Those are the totals that the cities receive up to this date. Not their normal seasonal totals. Boston has been on a roll. Worcester I normally expect it from but Boston has surprised me big time this season. Keep it going :)

  12. Kenley, that’s a lot of snow and Hartford jumped into 4th place. One or two more of these storms and Syracuse could be in trouble. WTG Hartford :)

  13. Thanks for assembling all these stats! I just saw on NBC WVIT news in Hartford, that Bradley (the Hartford airport) has a season total of 71.1″ and through today has had 56.9″ in just January alone! Thought I’d pass that along. Keep up the great work!

  14. boston usually gets 40 inches……idk what this is talking about? i would know i live here. not to mention this year we are averaging a nor’easter every week. that i would know because i shoveled those 60.2 inches this winter

  15. Dave,

    I grew up outside Baldwinsville, but now live in Fairmount, so I know there’s usually more snow out there – my bf lives in Phoenix and she’s had a lot more than we have. Does anyone know where the stat is taken – is it downtown or at the airport?

  16. Patrick,

    I know for sure we have more snow than Syracuse… on the days when it said we had 7″, or 5″, we consistently have had well over a foot. To me, its more a curiousity factor since when I tell my friends from outside NY that we’re kicking butt in the snow arena, I’d like to be able to say, “Syracuse has x amount of snow, but guess what? We have y amount!”. :) Bragging rights. LOL

    Regardless, Syracuse is great in winter. :) Work hasn’t been cancelled yet (closed early, yes)… :)

  17. Erik, thanks for the info. Do you know how much you normaly receive on average a season. I know Newark is having a decent winter :)

  18. Dave, I have looked and looked but never come up with a site with stats for all of the smaller cities. You may get lucky and find some stats from a snow spotter. I’m curious as to what Balwinsville does have on the season just for the fact that I know normaly they do get more snow but this season the LES seems to be hanging more just to the east of Baldwinsville?????

  19. Lulu, it’s lovely in Syracuse and you would like the -13 degrees we had this morning :) I think minus 30 something to the north of us.

  20. Sara, I tried to find some stats for Michigan City with no luck. Plus this contest is for cities with a population of 100,000 or more.

  21. NJ has not been hit hard…well at least where I am north of Morristown here are my totals from the storms:

    That is all the snow we have had this year we are below normal. BRING ON THE SNOW!!!

  22. Anyone know of a good site that will track snowfall for all cities? I live in Baldwinsville (NW of Syracuse) and I know we have gotten more than Syracuse, but can’t find any place that tracks it officially.

  23. Man, I just don’t think South Bend can keep up with Syracuse. It seems like it is constantly snowing there :)

    I was curious though, let’s say that South Bend’s population declines, as it has before, does that mean that they will no longer be considered in the running on this website? Just curious.

  24. Michigan City Must have more snow then south bend now, or at least very close. We got hit last night but not them.

  25. No, it has finally stopped. It came down so fast! It was extremely heavy snow and was coming down at a rate of 2-3 inches per hour, which is almost unheard of. South Bend rarely gets these types of lake effect storms, but we are already almost at our annual total :)

  26. Cory, is it still snowing there? You were right about 2nd and you set a record with 26 inches yesterday :) WTG!!! It’s nice to see the contest getting closer.

  27. Well, South Bend officially reported 38.6 inches of fresh white stuff in the last lake effect storm. We might be second on the list now. Over three feet of snow in the area right now!

  28. Nancy, the NWS / NOAA doesn’t keep stats for every town, so the contest has to pick some criteria to base it on which is a city with a population of at least 100,000. There are lots of small towns in NY (and the US) that exceed the snowfall of the cities in the contest, but unfortunately there is not official way of tracking them.

  29. Yes, Indiana was in the news but it wasn’t South Bend. Both storms that have went close to Indiana missed us from the south, then the north. :) Lake effect is the main cause for why South Bend remains in the top ten. Also, about thirty miles to the west is where the Michigan City area got 30+ inches of snow, yet South Bend only received a mere 4-5 in. Guess that is how it goes some years.

  30. You really should look into the record breakers on The Tug HIll Plateau in upstate NY, and in Boonville,NY.
    A good year will bring 300″ and 200″ respectively.

  31. Shelly, thanks for the info on Boise City.. Probably the reason I counldn’t find stats for them :) As for Boise, they hung in the top 10 awhile. Ya just never know. Baltimore, MD was in 2nd and ended up in the top 10 last season. Who would have thought that?

  32. Cory, South Bend has been hanging in there. How is the weather today? I’ve heard Indiana mentioned quite a bit on the weather channel today.

  33. It is Boise, Idaho, there is no such place as “Boise City, Idaho.” We’ve had abnormal snow the last few weeks, but Boise really does not belong on this list.

  34. From the South Bend area. I love lake effect, but we don’t get near the lake effect in inches as Western new york. Generally, we see the 10-16 inch range.

  35. Dave, being from Syracuse I’m jealous that we didn’t get the Lake Effect like some of the Buffalo areas. Of course I work out of the house so I can say that.

    Been seeing some good footage on the news channels and no doubt it had to suck for those stuck on the Thruway :( Our LES has been hanging up North toward Watertown, Fulton and Oswego. Hopefully it will drop down before it winds down.

  36. Too bad that the suburbs of major cities aren’t listed… the Southtowns of Buffalo got absolutely POUNDED the last couple of days…

    Thruway traffic there stopped for nearly 30 HOURS because of the snow. Gotta loooooove lake effect, haha

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