10/14/2014 – Breaking News - It’s official, South Bend, Indiana is back so watch out Erie, Syracuse, Buffalo, Billings and the rest of the top snowiest big cities in the US. I received a phone call from Maggie from the National Weather Service in Syracuse, Indiana returning my call and who left a msg on my phone confirming that they are receiving snow stats for this season for South Bend, In. Thanks for getting back to me Maggie, much appreciated… Let’s just hope it lasts
Welcome back Cory and the rest of South Bend and Good Luck!
I just updated all of the Cities in the National Snow Contest and as always took a peek at South Bend, Indiana. I do that every now and then to see if the National Weather Service out of Syracuse, Indiana is showing any snow stats for South Bend. To refresh all of our memories last season the airport stopped measuring the snowfall for the National Weather Service. That was in December of 2013 so we had to remove South Bend from the Golden Snow Globe contest for the fact we couldn’t get any official snow stats.
I just looked and I am showing that the snow stats are being listed once again so let’s that NOAA found a group or maybe got the airport to start taking measurements again. South Bend is a formidable opponent for all of the Snowy cities with a population of 100,000 or more and it would be great to have them back in. Keep your fingers crossed Cory and the rest of you from the South Bend area. Then again maybe it’s just a fluke they are showing snow stats but I haven’t seen them list them since the 2013 – 2014 early snow season back in December.
I do have a couple of calls out to the Syracuse, Indiana (Love that name Syracuse
) weather service so hopefully they will get back to me about what’s going on and if they are getting Snow Measurements again. Here is more info on what went down last season.
Buffalo, New York is the only city this update to join the Trace of snow club which makes 11 cities showing a trace of snow for the 2014 – 2015 snow season. There are also quite a few cities that are behind what their normal snowfall should be for this time into the season. I think I counted 19 cities in the Golden Snow Globe national snow contest that should have at least 0.1 of snow or more this update. In other words it’s closing in on us all and of course it’s just a matter of time now.
One other thing for those of you from Erie, Pa. Ruth sent me a tweet about a poll on the yourerie.com site asking when you think the first snowfall will be for Erie, Pa. If you look to the right and scroll down a bit you will see the poll at Thanks for taking the time Ruth
The last several days and nights were pretty cold in the Syracuse, NY area but today was a little warmer and I think upper 70′s for Tuesday. Every nice day we can get right now I’ll take and I’m sure most of you are thinking the same way.
OK, so which city is going to be the one that starts off the 2014 – 1015 Golden Snow Globe contest? Have an Awesome Night All